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CMake Multi Platform Downloads License: GPL v3

genogrove is a C++ library for the Interval B+ Tree (IBPTree) data structure. It provides a simple and efficient way to store and search data in a tree-like structure.

Quick Start

To get started with genogrove, download the source code by either cloning the repository or downloading a release. In the source directory, configure the build by running cmake:

    cmake -S . -B build
    cmake --build build

Once you have the source code, change to the source directory and install the library by running the following commands:

    cmake --install build

Optionally, you can specify a custom installation directory by adding the option --prefix <desired/install/path> to the install command.


To use the library in your project, include the genogrove header file in your source code:

    #include "genogrove/all.hpp"

Create an instance of the IBPTree class and specify the order of the tree (k):

    int k = 3;
    genogrove::IBPTree tree(k);

Register the types of the data you want to store in the tree with the TypeRegistry (e.g., int):
