Riven is a bare minimum flow-based programming framework (eg: math & conditional). Nodes have 2 ways of communicating with each other, one is a send/receive
pattern, the other, a request/answer
pattern. Despite its minimal toolset, it can be expanded into a complete web framework.
You are given a node selection tool Ø()
, you can type the character with alt+shift+O
(Alt +0216). If you are on Windows, or cannot easily type this character, try wrapping this function into a character of your choosing, like function R(a){ return Ø(a); }
will create a template node at 2,2.
will select the template node.
will connect the template node to the parser node.
You can also connect to multiple nodes at once with Ø("template").connect(["parser","console"])
. The Ø("template").bind("parser")
will create both a connection and a syphon between the 2 nodes.
will send "hello" to all receiving connected nodes.
Ø("template").receive(q) => {}
, method is triggered by send().
will request "cake" from all answering connected nodes.
, method is triggered by request().
, is a convenience method equivalent to .send(true)
, will send true to all receiving connected nodes.
Looks for a connected node(receiving/answering) with the parameter id, Ø("template").signal("parser").send("hello")
. Will send "hello", directly to the parser node.
You can group nodes into scopes with .mesh(pos,[nodes])
to visually groups the nodes into a single element that can be moved as one.
This framework does nothing else, but it does this well.