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Simple website

A new, probably simpler website

Deploy workflow status


I'm trying to build this to be:

  • more human, content-wise
    • written in conversational style, rather than self-publicist style
    • curated, not comprehensive
  • very simple and undemanding on the client side
    • no JavaScript, or progressively enhanced (maybe a dark mode toggle eventually), outside of the post CMS
    • low resolution imagery, small amount of CSS
    • accessible to WCAG AAA standard where possible
  • outside of deployment and the post CMS, free of big frameworks or services on the development side, but still a playground for trying things
    • scripts to rule them all
    • GitHub actions
    • templating without JavaScript (DRY views with low tech)
    • local server with rebuild on file changes
    • linting and formatting
    • simple vanilla CSS styling
    • Decap CMS (formerly known as Netlify CMS) with GitHub authentication and pull request functionality (including preview builds) for creating and editing posts

For now, it's just on (and Netlify, used for preview builds), but I'll probably replace my old Jekyll website with this once I've migrated what little content I have on there over (mostly blog posts)

To do

  • mention game dev
  • add page on game dev projects
  • migrate blog posts and compile Markdown
  • flesh out pages on writing and Japanese language resources
  • add a page on coding projects: just personal or something about professional work too?
  • add Flatiron and CS50 to "Things that once were"
  • add header navigation
  • flesh out footer - contact links, licence etc
  • refine style

Adding posts

Posts can be added using Decap CMS (formerly known as Netlify CMS), accessible at /admin. Saving will open or update a pull request on GitHub, where a preview will be linked by the Netlify bot

Running things locally


script/setup: wraps around script/bootstrap to install dependencies after initial clone

script/bootstrap: installs dependencies

script/update: wraps around script/bootstrap to update dependencies

script/build: runs script/update then compiles the HTML and copies the assets into the _site directory

script/server: runs script/build then starts the server and watches for changes in the assets and views directories, rebuilding as needed


New pages just need a *.html file in the views directory. The file should contain header and main elements


The layout, including the head and footer, can be updated in the views/layout directory


All images are dithered using Dither it!. The dithering both reduces the file size and provides a consistent aesthetic across images with very different origins

Styles and colour palette

Styles go in assets/styles/main.css. Most of the spacing measurements are the same, so there's a variable for that

The five-colour palette was created using Venngage's accessible colour palette generator using a base colour taken from a theme on Color Hunt. It's written with OKLCH, because apparently that's good. I added an extra colour for link styling in order to have reasonable contrast both with the background and surrounding text. The base font colour is a seventh colour (or non-colour): black