emonGLCD Documentation: http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/emonglcd Schematic and PCB board design: http://solderpad.com/openenergymon/emonglcd/
Builds on JeeLabs hardware and uses JeeLabs libraries: Download the JeeLabs Ports and RF12 library here (insert into Arduino librarys folder): https://github.com/jcw/jeelib -RFM12 library https://github.com/jcw/rtclib -used for time keeping to reset kWh at midnight https://github.com/jcw/glcdlib -GLCD library
On-board DS18B20 digital temperature sensor uses: Dallas Temperature library: http://download.milesburton.com/Arduino/MaximTemperature/ (version 372 works with Arduino 1.0) OneWire library: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_OneWire.html
HomeEnergyMonitor: Home Energy Monitor Example (http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/applications/homeenergy) for dispaying data from single CT emonTx, and posting on-board temperature online to emoncms with emonBase/NanodeRF. Also gets time from interent via NanodeRF.
HomeEnergyMonitor_Old: an old version that is not based on the templates implementation
SolarPV: Solar PV monitoring example (http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/applications/solarpv) for displaying data from 2CT solar PV monitoring emonTx (type 1 and 2 - see comments in sketch). Posts room temperature online to emoncms via emonBase/NanodeRF. Also gets current time for interent via NanodeRF.
SolarPV_Old: an old version that is not based on the templates implementation
Template_Example: basic template implementation example
Tester: simple sketch to test the function of the temperature sensor, light sensor and tri-colour LED's. Example can be used with or without the LCD and without the RFM12B. If LCD is connected results will be displayed on LCD.
GLCD_SSS RF Signal Strength Meter and scanner for 464 or 868MHz bands by Martin Roberts: http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/2395
draw_power_page(char* powerstr, double powerval, char* energystr, double energyval)
draw_temperature_time_footer(double temp, double mintemp, double maxtemp, double hour, double minute)
draw_solar_page(double use, double usekwh, double gen, double maxgen, double genkwh, double temp, double mintemp, double maxtemp, double hour, double minute, unsigned long last_emontx, unsigned long last_emonbase)
draw_dhw_page(double CYLT)
draw_history_page(double genkwh[7], double usekwh[7])