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Recruitment Challenge

CERN full stack challenge. The aim of this challenge is to add features to an existing simplified meal ordering platform.

1. User Authentication:

  • A client-side modal for login and registration.
  • New endpoints on the server side to handle login and registration.
  • Necessary database structures (i.e. a User table) and persist user data upon registration.
  • Re-directing user when they try to access routes without authentication.
  • Respective flash messages for registered and non-existing mail IDs.

2. Dish Orders:

  • Users will be able to order dishes
    1. By first putting dishes into a shopping cart.
    2. And then submitting the content of the shopping cart as order to the server.
    3. The server persists that order in the database.

3. Dish Reviews:

  • Users will be able to:
    1. Provide a rating for a dish from 1 to 5.
    2. Leave a comment alongside their rating.
    3. View the average rating of the dish.
    4. View comments and associated ratings of other users.
  • One user can only give one review per dish, and only after having ordered that dish.
  • Reviews (rating and comments) should be persisted in the database.

4. User-Restaurant Chat:

  • Interactive chat feature between user and restaurant employee. The content of the employee's responses are hardcoded.
  • Allowing users to:
    1. Initiate and end chat conversations.
    2. The chat should automatically end if the customer is inactive for a predetermined period.

5. Order Page:

  • Ensure users can only view their own order history.
  • Implement an order tracking feature that allows to view the status/progress of a user's orders.
  • An order can be in either of the following states:
    • Submitted: User submitted the order. Restaurant is reviewing.
    • Approved: Restaurant approved the order
    • Rejected: Restaurant rejected the order
    • Canceled: User canceled the order
    • In Preparation: Restaurant is preparing the order
    • In Delivery: The order is out for delivery
    • Delivered: The order has been delivered
  • A user can only cancel an order as long as the order is not yet in preparation.