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Leetcode is a collection of over 1500 challenging problems. This repo contains submissions for a subset of those problems on topics such as trees, arrays, hashmaps, string manipulations, lists etc

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Leet Code Challenges

This repository holds the scripts for leetcode coding challenges.

Solved Using Python

  • Defanging an IP Address
  • Jewels and Stones
  • How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number
  • Decompress Run-Length Encoded List
  • Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer
  • Create Target Array in the Given Order
  • Split a String in Balanced Strings
  • Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits
  • Range Sum of BST
  • Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer
  • To Lower Case
  • Maximum 69 Number
  • Remove Outermost Parentheses
  • Big Countries
  • Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping
  • Unique Morse Code Words
  • Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix
  • Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero
  • Flipping an Image
  • Increasing Decreasing String
  • Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts
  • Swap Salary
  • Self Dividing Numbers
  • N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array
  • Robot Return to Origin
  • Search in a Binary Search Tree
  • DI String Match
  • Squares of a Sorted Array
  • Array Partition I
  • Lucky Numbers in a Matrix
  • Peak Index in a Mountain Array
  • Reverse Words in a String III
  • Middle of the Linked List
  • Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
  • Reverse String
  • Unique Email Addresses
  • Fibonacci Number
  • Not Boring Movies
  • Find Lucky Integer in an Array
  • Delete Node in a Linked List
  • Goat Latin
  • Duplicate Emails
  • String Matching in an Array
  • Reverse Only Letters
  • Move Zeroes
  • Rotated Digits
  • Add Digits
  • Duplicate Zeros
  • Two Sum II - Input array is sorted
  • Minimum Absolute Difference in BST
  • Detect Capital
  • First Unique Character in a String
  • Ransom Note
  • Customers Who Never Order
  • Minimum Distance Between BST Node
  • Remove Element
  • Add String
  • Student Attendance Record I
  • Two Su
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
  • Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tre
  • Long Pressed Name
  • Remove Linked List Element
  • Perfect Number
  • Insert into a Binary Search Tre
  • Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
  • Kth Smallest Element in a BS
  • Binary Search Tree Iterator
  • Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
  • Binary Tree Postorder Traversal

Solved Using Java

  • Contains Duplicate
  • Contains Duplicate II
  • Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer
  • Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side
  • Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero
  • Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies
  • Destination City
  • Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time
  • Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array
  • Shuffle the Array
  • Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop
  • Running Sum of 1d Array
  • Number of Good Pairs
  • Shuffle String
  • Last Stone Weight
  • Maximum 69 Number
  • Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree
  • Convert BST to Greater Tree
  • Thousand Separator
  • Monotonic Array
  • Majority Element
  • Max Consecutive Ones
  • Number of Good Pairs
  • Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays
  • Matrix Diagonal Sum
  • Find Common Characters
  • Valid Parentheses
  • Missing Number
  • Search Insert Position
  • XOR Operation in an Array
  • Search Insert Position
  • Plus One
  • Missing Number
  • Valid Parentheses
  • Richest Customer Wealth
  • Sign of the Product of an Array
  • Design Parking System
  • Count Items Matching a Rule
  • Merge Strings Alternately
  • Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent
  • Count the Number of Consistent Strings
  • Available Captures for Rook
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
  • Intersection of Two Arrays
  • Intersection of Two Arrays II
  • Find the Highest Altitude
  • Minimum Operations to Make the Array Increasing


Leetcode is a collection of over 1500 challenging problems. This repo contains submissions for a subset of those problems on topics such as trees, arrays, hashmaps, string manipulations, lists etc







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