New information
- We provide a trained SEResNeXt model (training data: cifar10)
Google drive
You can try this model inevaluate-cifar10.ipynb
Naive implementation of SENet models in Keras.
- Transplanting to Keras.
- Only SE-ResNext at this stage.
- nvidia-docker environment
- Build a docker image (on the root directory of the repository)
$ docker build -t [tag name] -f docker/Dockerfile .
- Create a container using the image
$ nvidia-docker run -it -v $PWD:/work [tag name]
- Train a model with cifar10 data.
(in the container) $ pwd /work (in the container) $ python
Note that this script is written in an insufficient way; use data generator in consideration of expansion to general image data). The training speed is slow. On a p3.2xlarge instance, it takes about 1.5 days.
- Launch a jupyter notebook.
(in the container) $ bash
- Execute