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Folders and files

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Written Solutions for StackOverflow questions.

How to start application:

  1. Select folder.
cd <question-id>
  1. Install packages & dependencies. Use -f (force) if needed.
npm install
  1. Start the application.
npm start

Solutions and Linked question:

Project source Question
78449124 Angular Datepicker with format MM.yyyy wants to select day
78448907 Angular 17 - How to indicate both else to same ng-template for *ngIf using @if @else
78458776 Angular 16 Reactive Form - Form Control disabled not working
78461122 Angular: property binding with the property name constructed inside the loop
78487909 Recursive template inside inner @for in Angular 17
78504300 Subtasks not displaying in form when clicking "editTask"
78505089 Angular 17 - In @if syntax, how to store returned value from a function in a variable and use it in the same @if block
78509299 Angular Material Drag and Drop: Dragging an item works but not dropping
78514760 How to Identify Source and Target Containers in Angular Drag and Drop
78514411 NG-Bootstrap - ngbDatepicker with custom template is not auto-closing
78526039 How can I retrieve the full object when adding or editing a task instead of just the ID
78529096 Why is my bootstrap carrousel not loading on Angular 17 SSR?
78531280 How do I return a nested object array using a Signal in Angular/Typescript?
78561845 Angular reactive form hasValidator return false for custom validator function
78587077 Angular reactiveForms control - how to pass own input value as input parameter for a validator
78597409 How to Implement a Loading Spinner for HTTP Calls in Angular 17?
78604475 Some Material Icons not working with Angular Material
78611691 Unable to Fetch Data from JSON File Using HttpClient in Angular 18
78637327 Angular - Email pattern validation
78645195 Filter nested column in PrimeNG Table (Angular)
78648508 Some Material icons are not rendering in my Angular project
78672113 Angular Material doesn't load certain icons
78677608 Angular sentence-case pipe disrupt also existing camel cases?
78694614 How to Filter and Handle Input Character Removal
78709966 Angular 17 - Auxiliary route
78713656 Unable to use an Object's property in templates when imported from a different class
78714956 Why doesn't my toggle button work in Angular?
78718734 How to bind selected checkbox values to Form Array with FormBuilder
78727566 Ngx-mat-select-search: Can't click anything but 'ALL' in my select menu
78727984 Nested navigation menu with CdkMenu
78745006 Subtask is Updated Without Saving and Incorrect Icon Displayed on Reopening Task Dialog
78756968 Error NG04002: Cannot match any routes when navigating to nested route in Angular with named router outlet
78790607 Angular - Why isn't my dropdown list working
78800695 Form validation for required fields on Submit in Angular 17
78825229 Angular Directive - Change color of button on hover
78833686 Angular - Custom form validator
78853206 Autocomplete not showing suggestions
78866666 ngbAccordion [closeOthers] attribute with *ngFor
78882009 Is there a way attach data or ngModel with material tab?
78882712 Angular Reactive Form - Get 'formDirective is null' error
78884034 Dynamically select radio button in angular
78882958 Angular - How to position a fixed navbar correctly when scrolling to sections with the same ID
78884869 Angular: Scroll to a section on page load when navigating to a specific URL fragment
78910618 Angular hostDirectives API Not Passing @Input Values Correctly in Composed Directives
78933942 Angular: Object key accessible via variable on component but not on HTML
78942098 How to hide axes for no data case?
78954885 Angular 11 - Route using named outlet redirects to '/'
78959015 Mat Table using titles of header with spaces
78994055 Flowbite date-range-picker: How to get selected dates? (angular)
79021012 Passing generic Pipe that implements PipeTransform in Angular
79025867 Angular Material - How to display data with the loop in the mat-table
79030597 Angular Material - How to sort the data for mat-table in the loop
79033592 Angular 18 - Route to nested components
79061554 Angular Reactive Form - ng-select in form array works remotely but fails when it's online
79064582 component doesn't work properly with FormArray and formGroupName
79072225 Accessing Angular Typed Form Property from a FormArray in the HTML Template
79076675 Angular Material Table - How to specify the width of a column
79103801 How to pass array with multiple objects to Angular FormControl?
79125752 Angular Reactive Form - Issue when patching form control with object instead of value
79220004 Edit "Cruceros" with tituloQueHacer returning key-value pair: "descripcion: value" instead of string in the array
79239270 Angular - ngx-datepicker validation not working as expected
79301084 Angular Reactive Form - Multiple parsing errors when trying to implement multiple step form
79302036 Why is Angular asking for an standalone component, even though it is
79313248 Making mat-autocomplete function like a Bootstrap select
79320586 How to truncate long text with ellipsis in Angular PrimeNG 19 table?
Rerouting to child route not working as expected
79338132 chartjs / ng2-charts charts does not work properly in display flex
79335155 How to make the bottom of a NgbModal to be transparent so that content beneath is visible through it
79331321 How to validate that 2 folders on the same level cannot have the same name in a recursive Angular form array


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