Require to setup deno.
$ git clone && cd tw && make install
#> ✅ Successfully installed tw
#> /Users/yoshikouki/.deno/bin/tw
#> ensure to set deno to PATH.
#> $ export PATH="~/.deno/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
$ export PATH="~/.deno/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
# one liner install command (WIP)
$ tw
#> [WARNING] Your consumer_key or consumer_secret for Twitter API is not found.
#> Sure to use trial key what is not secure because it is published.
#> See README for details.
#> Use the trial key? [y/N]
Get consumer_key and consumer_secret for Twitter API. And ensure to enable OAuth 1.0a for user authentication settings.
$ CONSUMER_KEY=consumer_key CONSUMER_SECRET=consumer_secret tw
supported for .env file
$ mv .env-sample .env # and update
$ tw
$ tw tweet by tw!!1
$ tw -l
# change twitter account
$ tw --account tw_test
# show register account list
$ tw --accounts