image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
image_out (sensor_msgs/Image)
- image in which moving objects are found
- never advertised and published unless ~republish_image is ture
objects_out (object_detection_msgs/Objects)
- data and location of detected objects
~detection_algorithm (string, default: "CNT")
- "CNT", "GMG", "GSOC", "KNN", "LSBP", "MOG", or "MOG2"
- see opencv's documentation for algorithm details
~republish_image (bool, default: false)
- republish image if moving objects are found in it
~enumerate_objects (bool, default: true)
- publish object names by 1-based indices ("1", "2", ...)
~image_transport (string, default: "raw")
- transport type of the subscribed image topic