autor:chen youbing contact
lab:Xiamen university
this a program for feature selection. the main idea is using minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance and SVM-forward method to features selection. then, we used features selected by previous method to bulid a classification based on random forest.Finally we used an exhausive search the best model we built in different condition. more deatails see our paper:Predicting Hot Spots in protein interfaces based on feature selection using mRMR combining with SVM Forward
this program depends on the following:
- weka-3.7
- jpython
- scikit-learn
- sckit-feature
prepare your features file (csv format) ./scripts/mrmr.csv (for feature selection ) ./scripts/raw_data/all_data.csv (for cross validation) ./scripts/raw_data/train_data.csv ./scripts/raw_data/test_data.csv (for independent validation)
cd ./scripts/
wait for a little time you can find the result files in ./scripts/result_score
to analyze the all results use the following command:
Build model with final features you can find in following directory
cd ./scripts/check/feature_select