The UNIX Client/Server Program Interface Tool Suite is bunch of tools to handle UCSPI connections.
sockc is an ucpi SOCKS client. It handles the socks protocol transparently and establishes further connection through the corresponding SOCKS server. sockc supports SOCKS version 5.
httppc is an HTTP proxy client. It handles the HTTP protocol transparently and establishes a tunnel via the HTTP CONNECT method.
tlsc establishes an TLS connection and builds an crypto interface between the network side and program side of the exec-chain. It depends on libtls from LibreSSL.
tlss accepts server side tls connections. It also uses libtls for encryption.
sslc is a legacy version of tlsc which just depends on plain old OpenSSL. It just contains rudiment certificate checks.
The HTTP client is just a stub for testing. It needs to be rewritten for productive use.
Just open a tcp connection to and make a fetch of the start page.
tcpclient 80 http
Get the google index page over a local socks proxy:
tcpclient 8080 socks 80 ./
If you have to use a socks proxy you could always use socks with the following alias:
alias tcpclient="tcpclient 8080 socks"
tcpclient 80
- missing, but useful tools
- smtp client
- socks server
- sockc
- user authentication
- server mode
- udp
- tlsc
- Fingerprint accept
- Revocation check
- httpc
- user authentication
- support for different content encodings
- keep-alive with queue of paths to download