Block filter for advertisements, mainly on Korean sites. This works with Adblock Plus, uBlock Origin, 1Blocker, AdAway, and AdGuard.
Adblock Plus (Subscribe)
Install the browser plugin of Adblock Plus and add a subscription as 'YousList' with the above URL.
uBlock Origin (Subscribe)
Install the browser plugin of uBlock Origin and enable 'KOR: YousList' by checking it.
Go to the latest release page and click the "Download Rules.1blockpkg" link. Select 1Blocker from the "Open In" menu. To update to the newer version, you have to remove previous rules and then import the new rules.
Add the following URL as a host source.
AdGuard (Subscribe)
Enable YousList on the filter list.
The following is the DNS filter:
For the tests of your filter, make a temporary subscription served by your local machine by:
ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8000
Add a filter using http://localhost:8000/youslist.txt
New issues and pull requests are welcome! See for further details.
Content of the YousList is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.