Circle Music Waveform is a UI component based on Jetpack compose. It waves with your music going. And the music cover keeps spinning.
Please use JDK 17 to build this project
You can customize the param of waveform. Such as
- Bar color
- Bar number
- Bar width
parameter | expiation |
alpha | The transparence of bar |
radius | The circle radius |
barWidth | |
barMinHeight | |
barMaxHeight | |
barCornerRadius | The corner radius of retangle bar |
barNumber | |
barHeights | List of each bar height. If you want bar to wave, make the list dynamica changing |
isPlaying | True if a song is playing but not completed |
isEnd | True if a song is completed |
parameter | expiation |
cornerRadius | The radius of image |
duration | The time duration(ms) of rotating from start to end |
isPlaying | True if a song is playing but not completed. If True the image keeps rotating otherwise stopping |
rotatable | Defualt value is true. if enable it, the image will rotate infinitely |
Add it in your root build.gradle
at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency in your app's build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.yozyyyqls:CircleMusicWaveform:1.0.0'
When you turn the device volumn off, the Android Visualizer can't capture waveform data. The UI of waveform won't wave as music going.
// 1. Implement the WaveRenderer interface, which is use for updating bar heights.
class CircleWaveformViewModel : ViewModel(), WaveRenderer {
private lateinit var _waveData: MutableState<List<Int>>
val waveData: MutableState<List<Int>>
get() = _waveData
override fun render(data: List<Int>) {
// Update your view here.
_waveData.value = data
// 2. Create an WaveCustomize instance to config waveform. Every instance that implements WaveRenderer need to override this field.
// In this example we have 72 bars in the waveform. The width of each bar is 6dp.
CircleWaveformCustomize(12, 30, 72, 6, 6)
// 3. Initialize the MediaPlayer.
// 4. Pass the audioSessionId of Mediaplayer and the WaveRenderer to the WaveEngine.
class CircleWaveformViewModel : ViewModel(), WaveRenderer {
fun init(context: Context) {
mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.breathing)
waveEngine = WaveEngine(mediaPlayer.audioSessionId, this@CircleWaveformViewModel)
// 5. Start the music and the visualizer. Once you active the WaveEngine, the wave data will be captured and pass to the WaveRenderer.
fun play() {
mediaPlayer.start() = true // Start the WaveEngine by changing the acticve field.
fun pause() {
mediaPlayer.pause() = false
private val viewModel by viewModels<CircleWaveformViewModel>()
modifier = Modifier.wrapContentSize(),
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
// ============== The main UI part ================
radius = 90.dp,
barCornerRadius = viewModel.customize.barCornerRadius.dp,
barWidth = viewModel.customize.barWidth.dp,
barHeights = viewModel.waveData.value,
barMinHeight = viewModel.customize.barMinHeight.dp,
barMaxHeight = viewModel.customize.barMaxHeight.dp,
barNumber = viewModel.customize.barNumber,
color = BlueGrey,
isPlaying = viewModel.isPlaying,
isEnd = viewModel.isEnd
cornerRadius = 210.dp,
isPlaying = viewModel.isPlaying
// ============== The main UI part ================
Note: The circle waveform and the music cover are two seperate component. You need to put them together by yourself.
- Create a playing and an end state.
class CircleWaveformViewModel : ViewModel(), WaveRenderer {
private val _isPlaying by mutableStateOf(false) // True if a song is playing but not completed
var isPlaying: Boolean
get() = _isPlaying
set(value) {
_isPlaying = value
private var _isEnd by mutableStateOf(false) // True if a song is completed
val isEnd: Boolean
get() = _isEnd
- Pass the state to compose function.
radius = 110.dp,
barCornerRadius = viewModel.customize.barCornerRadius.dp,
barWidth = viewModel.customize.barWidth.dp,
barHeights = viewModel.waveData.value,
barNumber = viewModel.customize.barNumber,
color = BlueGrey,
isPlaying = viewModel.isPlaying, // <---Here
isEnd = viewModel.isEnd
cornerRadius = 210.dp,
isPlaying = viewModel.isPlaying, // <---Here
- Then you just need to change the value of the playing state.
modifier = Modifier
interactionSource = interactionSource,
indication = null // disable the touch ripple effect
) {
// ===================== Here ========================
viewModel.isPlaying = !viewModel.isPlaying
if (viewModel.isPlaying) {
} else {
// ===================== Here ========================
painter = painterResource(id = if (!viewModel.isPlaying) R.drawable.ic_player_pause else R.drawable.ic_player_start),
contentDescription = "",