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This project works on creating a school web application using spring boot. This project works with spring beans, spring mvc, spring security, lombok, request validations This project has step by step incremental changes in the spring boot application. You can look at the commit history section of the readme file for more details

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This project works on creating a school web application using spring boot. This project works with spring beans, spring mvc, spring security, lombok, request validations This project has step by step incremental changes in the spring boot application, which enables learning. You can look at the commit history section of the readme file to understand the incremental changes made to this project

Table of Contents


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 17 or later
  • Spring framework
  • Maven for building the project

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up and run the Spring security Learner Microservice:

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd school-web-app
  2. Build the microservice:

    mvn clean install
  3. Run the microservice:

    java -jar target/school-web-app.jar

Commit History

  1. Start Web application which displays home.html to user with the path /home
  2. Changed the port number and servlet context path
  3. Started the web application at random port by setting the server.port value to 0
  4. Turned debug on for the condition evaluation report
  5. excluding DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class to test
  6. multiple paths to single controller method
  7. Using thymeleaf to usage templates for displaying dynamic content for the home page
  8. disabling thymeleaf cache using spring properties
  9. enabled dev tools for auto start and live reload
  10. Added all the home.html html, css and js code
  11. Added all thymeleaf templates required
  12. Implemented WebMvcConfigurer class for static views
  13. Added static view for the about page
  14. Added controller for the contact page and accepting the data from the form in the contact page using @Requestparam
  15. Changed controller method for contact page form to accept pojo instead of requestparams
  16. Added Holidays controller to fetch holidays from backend using thymeleaf th:each and th:item
  17. Made changes to use Lombok for pojos
  18. Used slf4j for logging
  19. Added request params for displaying holidays to filter holidays based on request params
  20. Changed the holidays filter from request params to path variables, by default display all holidays, if filter is used display holidays related to the filter
  21. Added server side field validations using jakarta validations
  22. Working with request scope by changing the contact service to RequestScope
  23. Working with session scope by changing the contact service to SessionScope
  24. Working with application scope by changing the contact service to ApplicationScope
  25. Implemented default spring security by adding dependency
  26. Changed default spring credentials using
  27. created custom security filter chain and permitting all web pages using permitAll
  28. deny all requests using denyAll
  29. modified security configuration for each url
  30. Testing default CSRF security behaviour by spring
  31. Disable CSRF
  32. Implemented in memory authentication using InMemoryUserDetailsManager
  33. Changed spring security logic to handle custom login configurations
  34. Added login and logout, dashboard pages with thymeleaf support
  35. Handling Global Exception using @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler
  36. Added CSRF configuration to prevent CSRF attack
  37. configured in memory h2 database
  38. added saveContact and display contacts
  39. implemented closing message functionality for admin
  40. implemented aop for logging exceptions and time taken for each method
  41. Displaying holidays from H2 Database
  42. Changed everything from h2 database to mysql
  43. add spring jpa dependency and migrated code from spring jdbc to spring data jpa
  44. used spring data jpa audit feature for auditing the entries in database tables
  45. Added changes for registering user and used custom validations to validate fields in registration
  46. added one to one relationship and changed code to register user into database
  47. configured sign in using the credentials in the database using spring security
  48. using password encoder for encoding passwords and storing them as hash values in database
  49. modified data.sql to have hashed password for admin
  50. disabled the javax validations in spring data jpa
  51. added profile link for any logged in user
  52. Added Profile web page and profile model for profile page
  53. Displayed user profile details using http session and setting authentication username to the email
  54. made changes to provide user a feature to update his profile
  55. added links and security config for admin
  56. added class schema and defined one to many relationship between class and person
  57. added backend code to display classes for admin and option to add and delete classes
  58. added feature for admin to view, add and delete students from classes
  59. Added courses schema and many to many relationship between person and courses and gave admin options to add new course
  60. added an admin feature to add students to the courses
  61. Added delete feature for deleting students from courses by admin
  62. Made changes to student dashboard to display his class name
  63. Added courses page for students
  64. Displaying courses ordered by name in ascending order
  65. Displaying courses ordered by name in descending order
  66. Used Dynamic sorting to display courses ordered by name in descending order
  67. Implemented pagination using pageable interface to display messages
  68. Usage of @Query for custom queries in JPA, used both JPQL Query and Native Query
  69. Using @Query, @Modifying and @Transactional in JPA to update data
  70. Using @NamedQuery
  71. using @NamedNativeQuery, spring doesn't support dynamic sorting if we use Named native query
  72. Added REST endpoints for getting contact messages using spring mvc style with the help of @ResponseBody annotation
  73. Get contact messages using spring mvc style rest endpoint, this time with request body using @RequestBody instead of request params
  74. Using @RestController for the rest endpoints instead of using spring mvc style
  75. Using @RequestHeader to get header value and also using ResponseEntity to populate response status, header and body in the response
  76. Fixed CSRF issue for Post Requests and fixed authentication methods
  77. Using @DeleteMapping to delete contact message and using RequestEntity object to get request details
  78. Used @PatchMapping to patch the contact message to change the status from open to close
  79. Added GlobalExceptionHandler to handle the errors in the RestController and specified order(1) to indicate priority as we have two exception handler
  80. Allowing cross origin from everyone
  81. Added support to also send response in xml format using MediaType in produces
  82. Ignored audit details in the response using @JsonIgnore
  83. Using @JsonProperty to change the variable name in response body, this works for any response type(i.e xml or json)
  84. Added dependencies for spring data rest and hal
  85. Changed bean name of Profile Controller we defined as it matches with spring data rest Profile Controller. Also changed security config to allow access to the /profile endpoint
  86. Removed ambiguity by changing one method name in two methods in contact repository has same name
  87. protecting pwd and prevent sending of unnecessary fields in json response using @JsonIgnore
  88. allowed contact and courseses rest apis form spring security config
  89. Changed the base path of the spring rest data and also for hal
  90. Securing the spring data rest endpoints and hal endpoint using spring security config
  91. Changed the spring data rest url for the courses path
  92. Ignoring courses repository endpoints in the spring data rest endpoints
  93. Revert the ignoring courses change and also logging exceptions to help to debug application


This project works on creating a school web application using spring boot. This project works with spring beans, spring mvc, spring security, lombok, request validations This project has step by step incremental changes in the spring boot application. You can look at the commit history section of the readme file for more details







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