Calculate mass/distance probabilities based on the probability distribution (MCMC distribution) of the soft state model ezdskbb
normalization and the soft-to-hard transition period power law flux in 0.5 to 200 keV range using cflux
. It uses the statistical framework prescribed in Abdulghani et. al. 2024.
These instructions will get you a copy of the script running on your local machine.
What you need to install the software:
- Python 3
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
- PyTorch
- SciPy
- H5py
- Boost Histogram
- tqdm
Can just grab download the script if you have all the prerequisites
Clone the repository and install the required packages.
git clone
cd lmxbd
pip install numpy matplotlib torch scipy h5py boost-histogram tqdm
1-Generate MCMC distrubtion of the soft state ezdiskbb
normalization in xspec, ensure that your model follows this notation (order matters):
2-Generate MCMC distribution of the soft-to-hard transition flux using cflux
, ensure your energy range is (0.5-200 keV) and that you are only using one cflux component (the order does not matter).
3-Using script:
positional arguments: chainFilenames Input .txt file containing the chain filenames in separate lines (include subdirectory if not in same path). Must be generated using xspec chain command
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --softonly Flag to calculate for soft state only
python chainFilenames.txt --softonly