Cloud-scale BWAMEM (CS-BWAMEM) is an ultrafast and highly scalable aligner built on top of cloud infrastructures, including Spark and Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). It leverages the abundant computing resources in a public or private cloud to fully exploit the parallelism obtained from the enormous number of reads. With CSBWAMEM, the pair-end whole-genome reads (30x) can be aligned within 80 minutes in a 25-node cluster with 300 cores.
git clone
cd cloud-scale-bwamem
updated absolute path in two pom.xml: src/pom.xml and src/main/jni_fpga/pom.xml
to your path:
commands: upload-fastq [-bn INT] isPairEnd filePartitionNum inputFASTQFilePath1 [inputFASTQFilePath2] outFileHDFSPath
Required arguments (in the following order):
(1) isPairEnd:
1: pair-end 0: single-end (not fully verified yet)
(2) inputFASTQFilePath1: the first input path of the FASTQ file in the local file system (for both single-end and pair-end)
(3) inputFASTQFilePath2: (optional) the second input path of the FASTQ file in the local file system (for pair-end)
(4) outFileHDFSPath: the root path of the output FASTQ files in HDFS
Optional arguments: (1) -bn (optional): the number of lines to be read in one batch, which depends on the DRAM you have on the driver node.
commands: cs-bwamem [-bfn INT] [-bPSW (0/1)] [-sbatch INT] [-bPSWJNI (0/1)] [-jniPath STRING] [-oType (0/1/2)] [-oPath STRING] isPairEnd fastaInputPath fastqHDFSInputPath fastqInputFolderNum
Required arguments (in the following order):
(1) isPairEnd:
1: pair-end 0: single-end (not fully verified yet)
(2) fastaInputPath: the path of BWA index files (bns, pac, and so on). This path is locate at local machine instead of HDFS.
(3) fastqHDFSInputPath: the path of the raw read files stored in HDFS
(4) fastqInputFolderNum: the number of folders generated in the HDFS for the raw reads (output from Usage1). (NOTE: this parameter can be automatically fetched in the next version)
Optional arguments:
(1) -bfn (optional): the number of folders of raw reads to be processed in a batch
(2) -bPSW (optional): whether the pair-end Smith Waterman is performed in a batched way
(3) -sbatch (optional): the number of reads to be processed in a subbatch using JNI library
(4) -bPSWJNI (optional): whether the native JNI library is called for better performance
(5) -jniPath (optional): the JNI library path in the local machine
(6) -oChoice (optional): the output format choice
0: no output (pure computation) 1: SAM file output in the local file system (default) 2: ADAM format output in the distributed file system
(7) -oPath (optional): the output path; users need to provide correct path in the local or distributed file system
- This command merges the output ADAM folders after alignment and then save the output as a new ADAM file in HDFS
- commands: merge adamHDFSRootInputPath adamHDFSOutputPath
- This commands sorts the output ADAM folders after alignment and then save the output as a new ADAM file in HDFS
- commands: sort adamHDFSRootInputPath adamHDFSOutputPath