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Data Management application for Education's Early Learning Child Centre


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Early Learning Childcare Centre - Data Management Application

Production - building locally

  1. Create an api/.env.production file from the api/.env.sample file and fill with the appropriate mathcing the local development config with some minor changes.


    replace the VUE_APP_AUTH_DOMAIN, VUE_APP_AUTH_CLIENTID, and AUTH0_DOMAIN with appropriate values.

  2. Duplicate the api/.env.production to .env at the top level.

  3. Run docker compose up --build to build the application and boot it locally.

  4. (optional) If you want to run seeds you can do that manually via:

    dc exec app sh
    NODE_ENV=development node
    const { runSeeds } = require("./dist/initializers/30-run-seeds.js")
  5. Go to http://localhost:8080/ and sign in to the app.


Set up dev command

The dev command vastly simplifies development using docker compose. It requires ruby, though direnv and asdf will make it easier to use.

Its more or less simply a wrapper around docker compose will the ability to quickly add custom helpers.

All commands are just strings joined together, so it's easy to add new commmands. dev prints out each command that it runs, so that you can run the command manually to debug it, or just so you learn some docker compose while using it.

  1. (optional) Install asdf as seen in

    e.g. for Linux

    apt install curl git
    git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.12.0
    echo '
    # asdf
    . "$HOME/.asdf/"
    . "$HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash"
    ' >> ~/.bashrc
  2. Install ruby via asdf as seen here, or using whatever custom Ruby install method works for your platform.

    e.g. for Linux

    asdf plugin add ruby
    # install version from .tool-versions file
    asdf install ruby
    asdf reshim ruby

    You will now be able to run the ./bin/dev command.

  3. (optional) Install direnv and create an .envrc with

     #!/usr/bin/env bash
     PATH_add bin

    and then run direnv allow.

    You will now be able to do dev xxx instead ov ./bin/dev xxx.

Boot the Application

  1. Create a ./api/.env.development file with the following content:

  2. Boot the api, web, and database services, and run the migrations and seeds using

    dev up --build
    # or
    docker compose -f docker-compose.development.yaml up --remove-orphans --build

    You only need the --build option if it's your first time building the app, or if you are modifying the the Docker files.

  3. The front-end is viewable at http://localhost:8080.

NOTE: make sure you delete the .env file before runing a development setup again as it is auto-loaded by docker compose.

NOTE: You can also skip seeding when database is not empty by setting the SKIP_SEEDING_UNLESS_EMPTY=true environment variable.

Editor Setup

Your text editor or IDE might require you to manually install the dependencies to get TypesScript autocompletion working. Hopefully, it "just works ™️". If not you can install packages locally like so:

  1. Install asdf using instructions from README -> Set Up dev Commnd

  2. Install the nodejs plugin via and the appropriate nodejs version.

    asdf plugin add nodejs
    # install the version from the .tool-verions file
    asdf install nodejs

    Check that you have the correct version set up by seeing that these two commands match:

    asdf current nodejs
    node -v
  3. Go to ./api and run npm install

  4. Go to ./web and run npm install

Linting and Pretification

Linting and prettification support easier collaborator by standardizing code. They also can make programming faster as you no longer need to worry about formatting, as it happens automatically.

To enable linting and prettification:

  1. Install the root level packages via npm install

  2. Install the recommended extensions for VS Code

  3. Reboot VS Code.

  4. TODO: test on a second machine and see if more instructions are needed.

Migrations - Database Management

This project is using umzug instead of sequelize-cli because sequelize-cli doesn't have TypeScript support.

NOTE: while database table names use snake_case, sequelize models use camelCase to match the JS standard. This means that migrations need to either provide a "field" name for each column that is snake_case, or use snake_case for the column names.

  1. To create a new migration from the template sample-migration do:

    dev migrate create -- --name create-users-table.ts
    # Or
    dev sh
    npm run migrate create --name create-users-table.ts

    If you are using Linux, all files created in docker will be created as root so you won't be able to edit them. Luckily, this is handle by the dev migrate command, when using Linux, after you provide your sudo password.

  2. To run the all new migrations do:

    dev migrate up
  3. To rollback the last executed migration:

    dev migrate down
  4. To rollback all migrations:

    dev migrate down -- --to 0


Seeding is effectively the same as migrating, you just replace the dev migrate command with dev seed.


  • dev seed create -- --name fill-users-table.ts

Seeds are separated by environment. i.e. api/src/db/seeds/development vs. api/src/db/seeds/production

This allows for the convenient loading of required defaults in production, with more complex seeds in development, for easy QA.

Seed code should be idempotent, so that it can be executed at any point in every environment.

Seeds currently don't keep track of whether they have run or not. An alternative to this would be to store seeds in a SequelizeData table. via new SequelizeStorage({ sequelize, tablename: "SequelizeData" }) in the umzug seeder config.



If you want to take over a directory or file in Linux you can use dev ownit <path-to-directory-or-file>.

If you are on Windows or Mac, and you want that to work, you should implement it in the bin/dev file. You might never actually need to take ownership of anything, so this might not be relevant to you.



Run dev test_api to run the back-end tests.


Run dev test_web to run the front-end tests.