✨"The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions" ✨
~ probably ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr
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- The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Author(s): Melissa E. O’Neill
- Tags: functional programming, haskell, lazy, Sieve of Eratosthenes
- What happens when...
- Author(s): Alex Gaynor
- Tags: DNS, ARP, TLS, HTTP, Browser, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
- Go is not good
- Author(s): Maksim Kochkin
- Tags: poor design, immature languages
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: promises, asynchronous programming
On semicolons, pseudo-technical and subjective arguments, revisited
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: Automatic Semicolon Insertion
Why does ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] return the string “10”
- Author(s): xufox
- Tags: operators, precedence, ECMAScript, spec
You Don't Know JS (book series)
- Author(s): Kyle Simpson
- Tags: ECMAScript, Education, E-books
Immer, Immutability and the Wonderful World of Proxies (talk)
- Author(s): Michel Weststrate
- Tags: proxies, immutability
Why does JavaScript's await only work within async functions?
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: promises, asynchronous programming
- Kotlin: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
- Author(s): AJ Alt
- Tags(s): Bad and good things using Kotlin
- If C and C++ give the best performance, why do we still code in other languages?
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: compilers, C, C++, optimisations
Are there any programming concepts not yet implemented? What are they?
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: First-class operatives, Kernel, Algebraic Effect Handlers, Eff,Type-Specific Languages, Wyvern
What are zero-cost abstractions in programming languages?
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: abstractions, zero-overhead principle, zero-cost abstractions
How can a programming language have no primitive types (i.e. strings, integers, booleans)?
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: primitive types, built-in types, Lambda Calculus
How are higher-kinded types different from type constructors with parametrized generic types?
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: higher-kinded types
- Towards a fully-reflective meta-programming language
- Author(s):
- Tags: compilers, object-oriented systems, meta-programming
Why is a functional language generally better at concurrency than OO?
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: OO, mutability, side-effects, concurrency
- Author(s): Quil
- Tags: abstract algebra, monads
- Organizing Programs Without Classes
- Author(s):
- Tags: prototype-based inheritance
- Why you shouldn't use ENV variables for secret data
- Author(s): Diogo Mónica
- Tags: Docker, security
- Learn Blockchains by Building One
- Author(s): Daniel van Flymen
- Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency
Why Do React Hooks Rely on Call Order?
- Author(s): Dan Abramov
- Tags: Hooks
- Author(s): Dan Abramov
- Tags: Hooks
- Author(s): Dan Abramov
- Tags: Renderers, Elements, Reconciliation, Effects