This repository reproduces "'Illusion of control' in Time-Horizon Minority and Parrondo Games”[1].
The time horizon minority game is an agent based model of a negative-sum game in which the performance of learning agents < single-strategy agents < random-strategy agents. Through "simple" dynamics, the Time-horizon minority game is a didactic example on the limitations of learning in the face of complex systems.
A writeup can be found here.
[1] JB Satinover and Didier Sornette. “” Illusion of control” in Time-Horizon Minority and Parrondo Games”. In: The European Physical Journal B 60.3 (2007), pp. 369–384.
[2] Michael L Hart, Paul Jefferies, and Neil F Johnson. “Dynamics of the time horizon minority game”. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 311.1-2 (2002), pp. 275–290.
[3] Ellen J Langer. “The illusion of control.” In: Journal of personality and social psychology 32.2 (1975), p. 311.