Welcome to Columba Bank, a fictitious online banking web application designed to simulate real-world banking operations. This project aims to provide an interactive environment for users to engage in various banking activities, all powered by the latest web technologies.
Columba Bank offers a range of functionalities to its users:
- User Authentication: Secure login and logout functionality.
- Account Management: View balance, movements, and summary of transactions including incoming, outgoing, and interest earnings.
- Transfer Funds: Perform currency conversions and transfer funds between accounts.
- Loan Request: Users have the option to apply for loans, with the amount capped at twice the highest deposit made to their account.
- Bill Payments: Pay predefined expenses, which are dynamically adjusted based on the user’s transaction history.
- Session Timeout: Automatic logout after a period of inactivity for added security.
- Logout: Securely log out of the banking session.
To log into Columba Bank:
- Visit the main page.
- Click on the "for login information" button to retrieve login credentials for one of the six predefined accounts.
- Use these credentials to log in and start interacting with the banking features.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Fetch API
You can visit Columba Bank here