👋I'm Full Stack Developer with passion for developing creative innovative and efficient solutions through code. My journey in software development began with a curiosity for how things work and a desire to build something impactful.
From crafting clean and maintainable code to diving into the latest technologies, I thrive on the challenges and opportunities that software development presents. I enjoy exploring various programming languages, frameworks, and tools to continuously enhance my skills and stay ahead in this ever-evolving field. What I Do
- Languages: Proficient in JavaScript, Python, and Java.
- Frameworks: Experienced with React, Node.js, and Django.
- Tools: Skilled in using Git, Docker, and various CI/CD pipelines.
I love turning ideas into reality through my projects. Here are a few highlights:
- Project 1: A web application that simplifies task management.
- Project 2: An open-source library for data visualization.
- Project 3: A mobile app that promotes healthy habits.
I'm always open to collaborating on exciting projects and learning from fellow developers. Feel free to reach out to me through LinkedIn or Twitter. Let's build something amazing together!
- 👀 I’m interested in web development, php development
- 🌱 I’m currently learning moodle development,
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ...
- 📫 How to reach me ...