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No descripton provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.1.1+01d50e5
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build date: 2016-09-23T11:06:39.572+08:00
  • Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import graylog 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import graylog

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import time
import graylog
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = graylog.ApidocsApi

    # Get API documentation
except ApiException as e:
    print "Exception when calling ApidocsApi->overview: %s\n" % e

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApidocsApi overview GET /api-docs Get API documentation
ApidocsApi route GET /api-docs/{route: .+} Get detailed API documentation of a single resource
ClusterApi get GET /cluster Get system overview of all Graylog nodes
ClusterApi jvm GET /cluster/{nodeId}/jvm Get JVM information of the given node
ClusterApi thread_dump GET /cluster/{nodeId}/threaddump Get a thread dump of the given node
ClusterdeflectorApi cycle POST /cluster/deflector/cycle Finds master node and triggers deflector cycle
ClusterinputstatesApi get GET /cluster/inputstates Get all input states
ClusterinputstatesApi start PUT /cluster/inputstates/{inputId} Start or restart specified input in all nodes
ClusterinputstatesApi stop DELETE /cluster/inputstates/{inputId} Stop specified input in all nodes
ClusterjobsApi cancel_job DELETE /cluster/jobs/{jobId} Cancel job with the given ID
ClusterjobsApi get_job GET /cluster/jobs/{jobId} Get job with the given ID
ClusterjobsApi list GET /cluster/jobs List currently running jobs
ClustermetricsApi multiple_metrics_all_nodes POST /cluster/metrics/multiple Get all metrics of all nodes in the cluster
ClustersystemloggersApi loggers GET /cluster/system/loggers List all loggers of all nodes and their current levels
ClustersystemloggersApi set_subsystem_logger_level PUT /cluster/system/loggers/{nodeId}/subsystems/{subsystem}/level/{level} Set the loglevel of a whole subsystem
ClustersystemloggersApi subsystems GET /cluster/system/loggers/subsystems List all logger subsystems and their current levels
CountApi total GET /count/total Total number of messages in all your indices.
DashboardsApi create POST /dashboards Create a dashboard
DashboardsApi delete DELETE /dashboards/{dashboardId} Delete a dashboard and all its widgets
DashboardsApi get GET /dashboards/{dashboardId} Get a single dashboards and all configurations of its widgets.
DashboardsApi list GET /dashboards Get a list of all dashboards and all configurations of their widgets.
DashboardsApi set_positions PUT /dashboards/{dashboardId}/positions Update/set the positions of dashboard widgets.
DashboardsApi update PUT /dashboards/{dashboardId} Update the settings of a dashboard.
FiltersblacklistApi create POST /filters/blacklist Create a blacklist filter
FiltersblacklistApi delete DELETE /filters/blacklist/{filterId} Remove the existing blacklist filter
FiltersblacklistApi get GET /filters/blacklist/{filterId} Get the existing blacklist filter
FiltersblacklistApi get_all GET /filters/blacklist Get all blacklist filters
FiltersblacklistApi update PUT /filters/blacklist/{filterId} Update an existing blacklist filter
MessagesApi analyze GET /messages/{index}/analyze Analyze a message string
MessagesApi parse POST /messages/parse Parse a raw message
MessagesApi search GET /messages/{index}/{messageId} Get a single message.
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi copy_configuration POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/{name} Copy a configuration
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi copy_input POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/inputs/{inputId}/{name} Copy a configuration input
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi copy_output POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/outputs/{outputId}/{name} Copy a configuration output
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi copy_snippet POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/snippets/{snippetId}/{name} Copy a configuration snippet
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi create_configuration POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations Create new collector configuration
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi create_input POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/inputs Create a configuration input
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi create_output POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/outputs Create a configuration output
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi create_snippet POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/snippets Create a configuration snippet
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi delete_configuration DELETE /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id} Delete a collector configuration
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi delete_input DELETE /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/inputs/{inputId} Delete input form configuration
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi delete_output DELETE /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/outputs/{outputId} Delete output from configuration
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi delete_snippet DELETE /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/snippets/{snippetId} Delete snippet from configuration
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi get_configuration GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/{collectorId} Get a single collector configuration
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi get_configurations GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id} Show collector configuration details
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi get_tags GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/tags List all used tags
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi list_configurations GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations List all collector configurations
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi update_configuration_name PUT /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/name Updates a collector configuration name
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi update_input PUT /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/inputs/{input_id} Update a configuration input
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi update_output PUT /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/outputs/{output_id} Update a configuration output
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorApi update_snippet PUT /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/configurations/{id}/snippets/{snippet_id} Update a configuration snippet
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorcollectorsApi get GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/collectors/{collectorId} Returns at most one collector summary for the specified collector id
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorcollectorsApi list GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/collectors Lists all existing collector registrations
PluginsorggraylogpluginscollectorcollectorsApi register PUT /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/collectors/{collectorId} Create/update a collector registration
PluginsorggraylogpluginsmapmapdataApi map_data POST /plugins/ Get map data
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesconnectionsApi connect_pipelines POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/connections Connect processing pipelines to a stream
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesconnectionsApi get_all GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/connections Get all pipeline connections
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesconnectionsApi get_pipelines_for_stream GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/connections/{streamId} Get pipeline connections for the given stream
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinespipelineApi create_from_parser POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/pipeline Create a processing pipeline from source
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinespipelineApi delete DELETE /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/pipeline/{id} Delete a processing pipeline
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinespipelineApi get GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/pipeline/{id} Get a processing pipeline
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinespipelineApi get_all GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/pipeline Get all processing pipelines
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinespipelineApi parse POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/pipeline/parse Parse a processing pipeline without saving it
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinespipelineApi update PUT /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/pipeline/{id} Modify a processing pipeline
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesruleApi create_from_parser POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/rule Create a processing rule from source
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesruleApi delete DELETE /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/rule/{id} Delete a processing rule
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesruleApi function_descriptors GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/rule/functions Get function descriptors
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesruleApi get GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/rule/{id} Get a processing rule
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesruleApi get_all GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/rule Get all processing rules
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesruleApi get_bulk POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/rule/multiple Retrieve the named processing rules in bulk
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesruleApi parse POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/rule/parse Parse a processing rule without saving it
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinesruleApi update PUT /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/rule/{id} Modify a processing rule
PluginsorggraylogpluginspipelineprocessorsystempipelinessimulateApi simulate POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor/system/pipelines/simulate Simulate the execution of the pipeline message processor
PluginsorggraylogpluginsusagestatisticsApi show_cluster_data_set GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.usagestatistics/cluster Show the collected anonymous usage statistics of this Graylog cluster
PluginsorggraylogpluginsusagestatisticsApi show_config GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.usagestatistics/config Show configuration for the anonymous usage statistics plugin
PluginsorggraylogpluginsusagestatisticsApi show_node_data_set GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.usagestatistics/node Show the collected anonymous usage statistics of this Graylog node
PluginsorggraylogpluginsusagestatisticsoptoutApi get_opt_out_state GET /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.usagestatistics/opt-out Get opt-out status
PluginsorggraylogpluginsusagestatisticsoptoutApi set_opt_out_state POST /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.usagestatistics/opt-out Disable sending anonymous usage stats
RolesApi add_member PUT /roles/{rolename}/members/{username} Add a user to a role
RolesApi create POST /roles Create a new role
RolesApi delete DELETE /roles/{rolename} Remove the named role and dissociate any users from it
RolesApi get_members GET /roles/{rolename}/members Retrieve the role's members
RolesApi list_all GET /roles List all roles
RolesApi read GET /roles/{rolename} Retrieve permissions for a single role
RolesApi remove_member DELETE /roles/{rolename}/members/{username} Remove a user from a role
RolesApi update PUT /roles/{rolename} Update an existing role
SearchdecoratorsApi create POST /search/decorators Creates a message decoration configuration
SearchdecoratorsApi delete DELETE /search/decorators/{decoratorId} Create a decorator
SearchdecoratorsApi get GET /search/decorators Returns all configured message decorations
SearchdecoratorsApi get_available GET /search/decorators/available Returns all available message decorations
SearchdecoratorsApi update PUT /search/decorators/{decoratorId} Update a decorator
SearchsavedApi create POST /search/saved Create a new saved search
SearchsavedApi delete DELETE /search/saved/{searchId} Delete a saved search
SearchsavedApi get GET /search/saved/{searchId} Get a single saved search
SearchsavedApi list GET /search/saved Get a list of all saved searches
SearchsavedApi update PUT /search/saved/{searchId} Update a saved search
SearchuniversalabsoluteApi export_search_absolute_chunked GET /search/universal/absolute/export Export message search with absolute timerange.
SearchuniversalabsoluteApi field_histogram_absolute GET /search/universal/absolute/fieldhistogram Field value histogram of a query using an absolute timerange.
SearchuniversalabsoluteApi histogram_absolute GET /search/universal/absolute/histogram Datetime histogram of a query using an absolute timerange.
SearchuniversalabsoluteApi search_absolute GET /search/universal/absolute Message search with absolute timerange.
SearchuniversalabsoluteApi stats_absolute GET /search/universal/absolute/stats Field statistics for a query using an absolute timerange.
SearchuniversalabsoluteApi terms_absolute GET /search/universal/absolute/terms Most common field terms of a query using an absolute timerange.
SearchuniversalabsoluteApi terms_stats_absolute GET /search/universal/absolute/termsstats Ordered field terms of a query computed on another field using an absolute timerange.
SearchuniversalkeywordApi export_search_keyword_chunked GET /search/universal/keyword/export Export message search with keyword as timerange.
SearchuniversalkeywordApi field_histogram_keyword GET /search/universal/keyword/fieldhistogram Datetime histogram of a query using keyword timerange.
SearchuniversalkeywordApi histogram_keyword GET /search/universal/keyword/histogram Datetime histogram of a query using keyword timerange.
SearchuniversalkeywordApi search_keyword GET /search/universal/keyword Message search with keyword as timerange.
SearchuniversalkeywordApi stats_keyword GET /search/universal/keyword/stats Field statistics for a query using a keyword timerange.
SearchuniversalkeywordApi terms_keyword GET /search/universal/keyword/terms Most common field terms of a query using a keyword timerange.
SearchuniversalkeywordApi terms_stats_relative GET /search/universal/keyword/termsstats Ordered field terms of a query computed on another field using a keyword timerange.
SearchuniversalrelativeApi export_search_relative_chunked GET /search/universal/relative/export Export message search with relative timerange.
SearchuniversalrelativeApi field_histogram_relative GET /search/universal/relative/fieldhistogram Field value histogram of a query using a relative timerange.
SearchuniversalrelativeApi histogram_relative GET /search/universal/relative/histogram Datetime histogram of a query using a relative timerange.
SearchuniversalrelativeApi search_relative GET /search/universal/relative Message search with relative timerange.
SearchuniversalrelativeApi stats_relative GET /search/universal/relative/stats Field statistics for a query using a relative timerange.
SearchuniversalrelativeApi terms_relative GET /search/universal/relative/terms Most common field terms of a query using a relative timerange.
SearchuniversalrelativeApi terms_stats_relative GET /search/universal/relative/termsstats Ordered field terms of a query computed on another field using a relative timerange.
SourcesApi list GET /sources Get a list of all sources (not more than 5000) that have messages in the current indices. The result is cached for 10 seconds.
StreamsApi clone_stream POST /streams/{streamId}/clone Clone a stream
StreamsApi create POST /streams Create a stream
StreamsApi delete DELETE /streams/{streamId} Delete a stream
StreamsApi get GET /streams Get a list of all streams
StreamsApi get_0 GET /streams/{streamId} Get a single stream
StreamsApi get_enabled GET /streams/enabled Get a list of all enabled streams
StreamsApi pause POST /streams/{streamId}/pause Pause a stream
StreamsApi resume POST /streams/{streamId}/resume Resume a stream
StreamsApi test_match POST /streams/{streamId}/testMatch Test matching of a stream against a supplied message
StreamsApi update PUT /streams/{streamId} Update a stream
StreamsalertsApi list_all GET /streams/alerts Get the 300 most recent alarms of all streams.
SystemApi jvm GET /system/jvm Get JVM information
SystemApi system GET /system Get system overview
SystemApi threaddump GET /system/threaddump Get a thread dump
SystemauthenticationApi create PUT /system/authentication/config Update authentication providers configuration
SystemauthenticationApi get_authenticators GET /system/authentication/config Retrieve authentication providers configuration
SystembundlesApi apply_bundle POST /system/bundles/{bundleId}/apply Set up entities described by content pack
SystembundlesApi create_bundle POST /system/bundles Upload a content pack
SystembundlesApi delete_bundle DELETE /system/bundles/{bundleId} Delete content pack
SystembundlesApi export_bundle POST /system/bundles/export Export entities as a content pack
SystembundlesApi list_bundles GET /system/bundles List available content packs
SystembundlesApi show_bundle GET /system/bundles/{bundleId} Show content pack
SystembundlesApi update_bundle PUT /system/bundles/{bundleId} Update content pack
SystemclusterApi node GET /system/cluster/node Information about this node.
SystemclusterApi node_0 GET /system/cluster/nodes/{nodeId} Information about a node.
SystemclusterApi nodes GET /system/cluster/nodes List all active nodes in this cluster.
SystemclusterconfigApi delete DELETE /system/cluster_config/{configClass} Delete configuration settings from database
SystemclusterconfigApi list GET /system/cluster_config List all configuration classes
SystemclusterconfigApi schema GET /system/cluster_config/{configClass} Get JSON schema of configuration class
SystemclusterconfigApi update PUT /system/cluster_config/{configClass} Update configuration in database
SystemclusterstatsApi elasticsearch_stats GET /system/cluster/stats/elasticsearch Elasticsearch information.
SystemclusterstatsApi mongo_stats GET /system/cluster/stats/mongo MongoDB information.
SystemclusterstatsApi system_stats GET /system/cluster/stats Cluster status information.
SystemcodecstypesApi get_all GET /system/codecs/types/all Get all codec types
SystemconfigurationApi get_relevant GET /system/configuration Get relevant configuration settings and their values
SystemdebugeventsApi generate_cluster_debug_event POST /system/debug/events/cluster Create and send a cluster debug event.
SystemdebugeventsApi generate_debug_event POST /system/debug/events/local Create and send a local debug event.
SystemdebugeventsApi show_last_cluster_debug_event GET /system/debug/events/cluster Show last received cluster debug event.
SystemdebugeventsApi show_last_debug_event GET /system/debug/events/local Show last received local debug event.
SystemdeflectorApi cycle POST /system/deflector/cycle Cycle deflector to new/next index
SystemdeflectorApi deflector GET /system/deflector Get current deflector status
SystemfieldsApi fields GET /system/fields Get list of message fields that exist
SystemgettingstartedApi dismiss_getting_started POST /system/gettingstarted/dismiss Dismiss auto-showing getting started guide for this version
SystemgettingstartedApi display_getting_started GET /system/gettingstarted Check whether to display the Getting started guide for this version
SystemgrokApi bulk_update_patterns PUT /system/grok Add a list of new patterns
SystemgrokApi create_pattern POST /system/grok Add a new named pattern
SystemgrokApi list_grok_patterns GET /system/grok Get all existing grok patterns
SystemgrokApi list_pattern GET /system/grok/{patternId} Get the existing grok pattern
SystemgrokApi remove_pattern DELETE /system/grok/{patternId} Remove an existing pattern by id
SystemgrokApi update_pattern PUT /system/grok/{patternId} Update an existing pattern
SystemindexerclusterApi cluster_health GET /system/indexer/cluster/health Get cluster and shard health overview
SystemindexerclusterApi cluster_name GET /system/indexer/cluster/name Get the cluster name
SystemindexerfailuresApi count GET /system/indexer/failures/count Total count of failed index operations since the given date.
SystemindexerfailuresApi single GET /system/indexer/failures Get a list of failed index operations.
SystemindexerindicesApi all GET /system/indexer/indices List all open, closed and reopened indices.
SystemindexerindicesApi close POST /system/indexer/indices/{index}/close Close an index. This will also trigger an index ranges rebuild job.
SystemindexerindicesApi closed GET /system/indexer/indices/closed Get a list of closed indices that can be reopened.
SystemindexerindicesApi delete DELETE /system/indexer/indices/{index} Delete an index. This will also trigger an index ranges rebuild job.
SystemindexerindicesApi multiple POST /system/indexer/indices/multiple Get information of all specified indices and their shards.
SystemindexerindicesApi open GET /system/indexer/indices/open Get information of all open indices managed by Graylog and their shards.
SystemindexerindicesApi reopen POST /system/indexer/indices/{index}/reopen Reopen a closed index. This will also trigger an index ranges rebuild job.
SystemindexerindicesApi reopened GET /system/indexer/indices/reopened Get a list of reopened indices, which will not be cleaned by retention cleaning
SystemindexerindicesApi single GET /system/indexer/indices/{index} Get information of an index and its shards.
SystemindexeroverviewApi index GET /system/indexer/overview Get overview of current indexing state, including deflector config, cluster state, index ranges & message counts.
SystemindicesrangesApi list GET /system/indices/ranges Get a list of all index ranges
SystemindicesrangesApi rebuild POST /system/indices/ranges/rebuild Rebuild/sync index range information.
SystemindicesrangesApi rebuild_index POST /system/indices/ranges/{index: [a-z_0-9]+}/rebuild Rebuild/sync index range information.
SystemindicesrangesApi show GET /system/indices/ranges/{index: [a-z_0-9]+} Show single index range
SystemindicesretentionApi config GET /system/indices/retention/config Configuration of the current retention strategy
SystemindicesretentionApi config_0 PUT /system/indices/retention/config Configuration of the current retention strategy
SystemindicesretentionApi config_schema GET /system/indices/retention/strategies/{strategy} Show JSON schema for configuration of given retention strategies
SystemindicesretentionApi list GET /system/indices/retention/strategies List available retention strategies
SystemindicesrotationApi config GET /system/indices/rotation/config Configuration of the current rotation strategy
SystemindicesrotationApi config_0 PUT /system/indices/rotation/config Configuration of the current rotation strategy
SystemindicesrotationApi config_schema GET /system/indices/rotation/strategies/{strategy} Show JSON schema for configuration of given rotation strategies
SystemindicesrotationApi list GET /system/indices/rotation/strategies List available rotation strategies
SysteminputsApi create POST /system/inputs Launch input on this node
SysteminputsApi get GET /system/inputs/{inputId} Get information of a single input on this node
SysteminputsApi list GET /system/inputs Get all inputs
SysteminputsApi terminate DELETE /system/inputs/{inputId} Terminate input on this node
SysteminputsApi update PUT /system/inputs/{inputId} Update input on this node
SysteminputstatesApi get GET /system/inputstates/{inputId} Get input state for specified input id on this node
SysteminputstatesApi list GET /system/inputstates Get all input states of this node
SysteminputstatesApi start PUT /system/inputstates/{inputId} (Re-)Start specified input on this node
SysteminputstatesApi stop DELETE /system/inputstates/{inputId} Stop specified input on this node
SysteminputstypesApi all GET /system/inputs/types/all Get information about all input types
SysteminputstypesApi info GET /system/inputs/types/{inputType} Get information about a single input type
SysteminputstypesApi types GET /system/inputs/types Get all available input types of this node
SystemjobsApi cancel DELETE /system/jobs/{jobId} Cancel running job
SystemjobsApi get GET /system/jobs/{jobId} Get information of a specific currently running job
SystemjobsApi list GET /system/jobs List currently running jobs
SystemjobsApi trigger POST /system/jobs Trigger new job
SystemjournalApi show GET /system/journal Get current state of the journal on this node.
SystemlbstatusApi override PUT /system/lbstatus/override/{status} Override load balancer status of this Graylog server node. Next lifecycle change will override it again to its default. Set to ALIVE, DEAD, or THROTTLED.
SystemlbstatusApi status GET /system/lbstatus Get status of this Graylog server node for load balancers. Returns ALIVE with HTTP 200, DEAD with HTTP 503, or THROTTLED with HTTP 429.
SystemldapApi delete_ldap_settings DELETE /system/ldap/settings Remove the LDAP configuration
SystemldapApi get_ldap_settings GET /system/ldap/settings Get the LDAP configuration if it is configured
SystemldapApi read_group_mapping GET /system/ldap/settings/groups Get the LDAP group to Graylog role mapping
SystemldapApi read_groups GET /system/ldap/groups Get the available LDAP groups
SystemldapApi test_ldap_configuration POST /system/ldap/test Test LDAP Configuration
SystemldapApi update_group_mapping_settings PUT /system/ldap/settings/groups Update the LDAP group to Graylog role mapping
SystemldapApi update_ldap_settings PUT /system/ldap/settings Update the LDAP configuration
SystemloggersApi loggers GET /system/loggers List all loggers and their current levels
SystemloggersApi messages GET /system/loggers/messages/recent Get recent internal log messages
SystemloggersApi set_single_logger_level PUT /system/loggers/{loggerName}/level/{level} Set the loglevel of a single logger
SystemloggersApi set_subsystem_logger_level PUT /system/loggers/subsystems/{subsystem}/level/{level} Set the loglevel of a whole subsystem
SystemloggersApi subsystems GET /system/loggers/subsystems List all logger subsystems and their current levels
SystemmessageprocessorsApi config GET /system/messageprocessors/config Get message processor configuration
SystemmessageprocessorsApi update_config PUT /system/messageprocessors/config Update message processor configuration
SystemmessagesApi all GET /system/messages Get internal Graylog system messages
SystemmetricsApi by_namespace GET /system/metrics/namespace/{namespace} Get all metrics of a namespace
SystemmetricsApi metric_names GET /system/metrics/names Get all metrics keys/names
SystemmetricsApi metrics GET /system/metrics Get all metrics
SystemmetricsApi multiple_metrics POST /system/metrics/multiple Get the values of multiple metrics at once
SystemmetricsApi single_metric GET /system/metrics/{metricName} Get a single metric
SystemnotificationsApi delete_notification DELETE /system/notifications/{notificationType} Delete a notification
SystemnotificationsApi list_notifications GET /system/notifications Get all active notifications
SystemoutputsApi available GET /system/outputs/available Get all available output modules
SystemoutputsApi create POST /system/outputs Create an output
SystemoutputsApi delete DELETE /system/outputs/{outputId} Delete output
SystemoutputsApi get GET /system/outputs Get a list of all outputs
SystemoutputsApi get_0 GET /system/outputs/{outputId} Get specific output
SystemoutputsApi update PUT /system/outputs/{outputId} Update output
SystempermissionsApi permissions GET /system/permissions Get all available user permissions.
SystempermissionsApi reader_permissions GET /system/permissions/reader/{username} Get the initial permissions assigned to a reader account
SystempluginsApi list GET /system/plugins List all installed plugins on this node.
SystemprocessingApi pause_processing PUT /system/processing/pause Pauses message processing
SystemprocessingApi resume_processing PUT /system/processing/resume Resume message processing
SystemserviceManagerApi list GET /system/serviceManager List current status of ServiceManager
SystemsessionsApi new_session POST /system/sessions Create a new session
SystemsessionsApi terminate_session DELETE /system/sessions/{sessionId} Terminate an existing session
SystemsessionsApi validate_session GET /system/sessions Validate an existing session
SystemshutdownApi shutdown POST /system/shutdown/shutdown Shutdown this node gracefully.
SystemstatsApi fs_stats GET /system/stats/fs Filesystem information about this node.
SystemstatsApi jvm_stats GET /system/stats/jvm JVM information about this node.
SystemstatsApi network_stats GET /system/stats/network Networking information about this node.
SystemstatsApi os_stats GET /system/stats/os OS information about this node.
SystemstatsApi process_stats GET /system/stats/process Process information about this node.
SystemstatsApi system_stats GET /system/stats System information about this node.
SystemthroughputApi total GET /system/throughput Current throughput of this node in messages per second
UsersApi change_password PUT /users/{username}/password Update the password for a user.
UsersApi change_user PUT /users/{username} Modify user details.
UsersApi create POST /users Create a new user account.
UsersApi delete_permissions DELETE /users/{username}/permissions Revoke all permissions for a user without deleting the account.
UsersApi delete_user DELETE /users/{username} Removes a user account.
UsersApi edit_permissions PUT /users/{username}/permissions Update a user's permission set.
UsersApi generate_new_token POST /users/{username}/tokens/{name} Generates a new access token for a user
UsersApi get GET /users/{username} Get user details
UsersApi list_tokens GET /users/{username}/tokens Retrieves the list of access tokens for a user
UsersApi list_users GET /users List all users
UsersApi revoke_token DELETE /users/{username}/tokens/{token} Removes a token for a user
UsersApi save_preferences PUT /users/{username}/preferences Update a user's preferences set.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.



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