This folder includes R code to conduct simulations for "A Likelihood-based Approach to Assessing Frequency of Pathogenicity among Variants of Unknown Significance (VUS) in Susceptibility Genes".
sim_fam_varied.R: script to simulate family pedigrees based on different family structures in the main text.
sim_fam_constant.R: script to simulate family pedigrees based on a constant family structure.
estimate_pi.R: script to estimate the proprotion of VUS that are likely pathogenic and calculate positive predictive value in simulated data.
estimate_pi_with_theta.R: script to esitmate the proportion of VUS that are likely pathogenic and calculate positive predictive value in simulated data with the extension of
2. Results folder: 'Data' contains simulated data for Figures 1-6. It also contains scripts for generating Figure1-6.
- Use
to simulate family pedigree data of sizeN
. Under each sample size, replicates are named withscript_num.RData
. - Use
to estimate the proportion of VUS that are likely pathogenic and the positive predictive value in simulated family pedigree data. - Repeat step1-2 for all simulated cohort replicates.