This repository provides an up-to-date the list of studies addressing imbalance problems in object detection. It follows the taxonomy provided in the following paper(please cite the paper if you benefit from this repository):
K. Oksuz, B. C. Cam, S. Kalkan, E. Akbas, "Imbalance Problems in Object Detection: A Review", (under review), 2019.[preprint]
BibTeX entry:
author = {Kemal Oksuz and Baris Can Cam and Sinan Kalkan and Emre Akbas},
title = "{Imbalance Problems in Object Detection: A Review}",
journal = {arXiv e-prints},
year = "2019",
month = "Aug",
pages = {arXiv:1909.00169},
ee = {},
eprint = {1909.00169}
If you know of a paper that addresses an imbalance problem concerning generic object detection and is not on this repository, you are welcome to request the addition of that paper by submitting a pull request. In your pull request please briefly state which section of your paper is related to which problem.
Following the methodology in our paper, the papers should be designed for the generic object detection problem (i.e. reporting results on generic object detection datasets such as ILSVRC, Pascal VOC, MS-COCO, Open Images etc.).
- Class Imbalance
1.1 Foreground-Background Class Imbalance
1.2 Foreground-Foreground Class Imbalance - Scale Imbalance
2.1 Object/box-level Scale Imbalance
2.2 Feature-level Imbalance - Spatial Imbalance
3.1 Imbalance in Regression Loss
3.2 IoU Distribution Imbalance
3.3 Object Location Imbalance - Objective Imbalance
- Hard Sampling Methods
- Random Sampling
- Hard Example Mining
- Limit Search Space
- Soft Sampling Methods
- Sampling-Free Methods
- Generative Methods
- Fine-tuning Long Tail Distribution for Obj.Det., CVPR 2016, [paper]
- PSIS, arXiv 2019, [paper]
- OFB Sampling, WACV 2020, [paper]
Methods Predicting from the Feature Hierarchy of Backbone Features
Methods Based on Feature Pyramids
- FPN, CVPR 2017, [paper]
- See feature-level imbalance methods
Methods Based on Image Pyramids
Methods Combining Image and Feature Pyramids
Methods Using Pyramidal Features as a Basis
Methods Using Backbone Features as a Basis
Lp norm based
IoU based
- Cascade R-CNN, CVPR 2018, [paper]
- Hierarchical Shot Detector, ICCV 2019, [paper]
- IoU-uniform R-CNN, arXiv 2019, [paper]
- pRoI Generator, WACV 2020, [paper]
- Task Weighting
- Classification Aware Regression Loss, arXiv 2019, [paper]
- Guided Loss, arXiv 2019, [paper]
Please contact Kemal Öksüz ( for your questions about this webpage.