This project provides some logging utilities.
It mainly provides a Java Util Logging (JUL) LogManager which is graal friendly - you can reconfigure your JUL loggers at runtime - plus some utilities like mor advanced formatters or handlers.
See link:
Build is just about running mvn package
on the project.
Minisite build/publish commands are in the root pom.xml (mvn clean yupiik-tools:minisite@doc
A small trick can be needed to run the integration test depending your local setup. If you have write permission issues with docker do the following:
cp integration-test/projects/jul /tmp
cd /tmp/jul
sed 's/project\.version/<yupiik logging current version>/' pom.xml
mvn package
It will download in the local m2 repository graalvm and test dependencies. Since we mount it in the test docker image it will avoid downloads during the test and therefore permission issues.
you can need to run the integration test arthur command before being able to build the whole project since it relies on the presence of the distribution if docker container can’t write to your local maven repository. |
Build and publish to central:
mvn release:prepare release:perform -Pnative -Prelease
Publish documentation on github page:
git checkout -b <release-tag> <release-tag> && mvn clean package -Pgh-pages`
Pubish release on Github by running in project:
mvn yupiik-tools:synchronize-github-releases@yupiik-logging -Psynchronize-github-releases