send notify if disk avail space low
- Lightweight: only bash, df, curl
- Focus: only notify alert if space low
- Accuracy: partition specified threshold
- Reliable: multiple push channels
it can monit multi mountpoint with specified thresholds
by bash associative array. (key-value pairs)
declare -A mount_thresholds=(
["/"]="5120" # 5 GB in MB
["/tmp"]="1024" # 1 GB in MB
supported notify backends
- telegram bot
- feishu bot
- wework bot
- dingtalk bot
- pushplus
- wxpusher
- serverchan
- disk_log=disk_hist.log //disk space log
- send_log=send_hist.log //send noitfy log
notify frequency
- push_delay=30 //push interval (will adjusted dynamically)
check frequency
- save_interval=3600 // 1 hour
- check_interval=300 // 5 min
download from
and uncompress it.
// edit conf base on example
cp -pv _disk_notify_global.example _disk_notify_global
// modify the conf according to your needs
conf file
- ./_disk_notify_global
- ~/.config/_disk_notify
// run in background
nohup ./ &> disk_notify.out &