A full stack web application with an HTML/CSS/JS client and an Express server connected to a PostgreSQL database.
A place to write down your thoughts and remain anonymous whilst doing so! Making a telegra.ph clone with Diren
- install docker
- clone or fork the repo
- open terminal and navigate to folder
bash _scripts/startDev.sh
- starts client, api & db services
- runs db migrations
- seeds db for development
- serves client on localhost:8080
- serves api on localhost:3000
bash _scripts/teardown.sh
- stop all running services
- removes containers
- removes volumes
[x] added create() function
[x] updated get all()
[x] updated publishPost()
to post to database
[x] updated try and catch so publishPost() function
clears form content and displays post
[x] the #post/id
endpoint does not retrieve the requested id
- managed to get the server running and update the docker-compose file
- post able to be posted and seen in browser
- show path
- id path