This repository contains the source code for Top-K Influential Nodes in Social Networks: A Game Perspective.
The full version of our paper can be found here.
To run our code, please type the following commands:
g++ Greedy++.cpp -o Greedy++
./Greedy++ [Input file] [Output File] [Top-K, optional, default=20] [Directed or Undirected Graph, optional, default = 'U']
For example,
g++ Greedy++.cpp -o Greedy++
./Greedy++ data/GrQc.txt out.txt 20
The output will have k lines. Each line includes two numbers: Node ID, Estimated Marginal Gain (based on the snapshots). For example,
131 39.020000
124 35.669998
639 35.570000
100 32.230000
15 26.719999
To accurately calculate the influence of the selected seed set, please use
g++ Calc_Inf.cpp -o Calc_Inf
./Calc_Inf [Network File] [Seed Node File] [Top-K, optional, default=20] [Directed or Undirected Graph, optional, default = 'U']
For example,
g++ Calc_Inf.cpp -o Calc_Inf
./Calc_Inf data/Epinions.txt out.txt 5 D
If you find this repository useful, please cite the following paper:
title={Top-K Influential Nodes in Social Networks: A Game Perspective},
author={Zhang, Yu and Zhang, Yan},