This project is designed to help those who use dva to develop an native-app(it also can develop web app). In a word, this is a simple example.
- Dva, Lightweight front-end framework based on redux, redux-saga and react-router@2.x. (Inspired by elm and choo)
Quick Start (12 步 30 分钟,完成用户管理的 CURD 应用) (react+dva+antd)
- React-Motion, A spring that solves your animation problems.
It's Works with React-Native v0.18+. In addition, I have written two examples on the web application. If you are interested in the animation, you should go to look at it. (Additional knowledge.)
Clone this repo.
Modify something in package.json like name to "your-project-name".
Run npm install.
$ npm install
- Run.
$ react-native run-ios
- To know the directory structure.
$ tree . -L 3
├── android
├── assets // saved image resources who variable
├── // root entrance for android platform!!
├── index.ios.js // root entrance!!
├── ios
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── src
│ ├── Router.js // all routing
├── components // dumb component
│ ├── Login.js
│ ├── Splash.js
│ └── common
├── models
│ ├── Auth.js
│ ├── Find.js
│ ├── Homepage.js
│ ├── Initial.js
│ └── Newbie.js
├── routes // smart component
│ ├── Find.js
│ ├── Homepage.js
│ ├── Login.js
│ ├── More.js
│ ├── Register.js
│ └── Register2.js
├── services
├── utils // such as config, request, defaults
└── yarn.lock
- The whole entrance is index.jsx. I try to describe clearly why import that.
const app = dva();
// Load models. In web application can use dynamic routing, But in native-app maybe don't need
app.router(() => <Router />);
AppRegistry.registerComponent('RnDva', () => app.start());
Dva/Redux/React-Router, reading some documents will help you.
Look at 'subscriptions' (in models/Initial.js), when app in Splash screen, then will jump to Homepage after 3s.
subscriptions: {
initialize() {
_.delay(() => {
Actions.tabbar({ type: 'reset' });
}, 3000);
Thanks to dvajs group for providing the lightweight framework for developers. And in work I am a mobile application developer as android/iOS platform, before using dva, I have been using the reactnative+reudx+redux-thunk. I have subscribed to issue list for a long time. I saw a lot of issues have been proposed, and soon be solved. Thanks to the team and chencheng (云谦) once again.
Thank you for reading.
logo_ico.png from rezzzzzzz's Oh My D.VA who in dribbble. Thank rezzzzzzz! She's so pink :)