A simple Board Game Geek (boardgamegeek.com) API library in Python.
This mainly just handles the API calls and converts the XML to
representative dict/list format
0.3.0 has moved to Python3 ONLY. Python2 is dead, long live Python2.
Installation is pretty easy. You can just to the standard as root:
tar -xvzf py-bgg-*.tar.gz
cd py-bgg-*
python setup.py install
You can also install directly using pip
pip install py-bgg
This follows the BGG api pretty closely so this should be self-explanatory with "pydoc libbgg" and the api definition at:
This library will essentially just convert your calls into a URL and subsequently return a dict/list tree of objects that are accessible via standard object notation or dictionary style access
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
from libbgg.apiv1 import BGG
# You can also use version 2 of the api:
from libbgg.apiv2 import BGG as BGG2
conn = BGG()
# Perform a search
results = conn.search('bruges')
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# Print out a list of names that were returned
for game in results.boardgames.boardgame:
# You can also access items as a dictionary
for game in results['boardgames']['boardgame']:
# Get game info
results = conn.get_game(136888 , stats=True)
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# V2
conn2 = BGG2()
results = conn2.boardgame(136888, stats=True)
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True))