A relatively fast, functional prose text counter with readability scoring.
is available on PyPI. Simply install it with pip
$ pip install prosegrinder
The main use is via the prosegrinder.Prose object.
>>> from prosegrinder import Prose >>> p = Prose("Some lengthy text that's actual prose, like a novel or article.")
The Prose object will parse everything down and compute basic staticstics, including word count, sentence count, paragraph count, syllable count, point of view, dialogue, narrative, and a set of readabilit scores. All objects and attributes should be treated as immutable.
I know this isn't great documentation, but it should be enough to get you going.
Prosegrinder now includes a simple CLI for analyzing text in a file::
Usage: prosegrinder [OPTIONS] FILE Options: -s, --save FILENAME -i, --indent INTEGER --help Show this message and exit.
Will provide basic statistics on text from a file, the filename, and the sh256 of text analyzed. Output is json to help facilitate use in automation::
{ "filename": "shortstory.txt", "statistics": { "sha256": "5b756dea7c7f0088ff3692e402466af7f4fc493fa357c1ae959fa4493943fc03", "word_character_count": 7008, "phone_count": 5747, "syllable_count": 2287, "word_count": 1528, "sentence_count": 90, "paragraph_count": 77, "complex_word_count": 202, "long_word_count": 275, "pov_word_count": 113, "first_person_word_count": 8, "second_person_word_count": 74, "third_person_word_count": 31, "pov": "first", "readability_scores": { "automated_readability_index": 0.281, "coleman_liau_index": 9.425, "flesch_kincaid_grade_level": 8.693, "flesch_reading_ease": 62.979, "gunning_fog_index": 12.079, "linsear_write": 10.733, "lix": 34.975, "rix": 3.056, "smog": 11.688 } } }
The set of scores automatically calculated:
- Automated Readability Index
- Coleman Liau Index
- Flesch Kincaid Grade Level
- Flesch Reading Ease
- Gunning Fog Index
- Linsear Write