This script is written for Flar-archives level 0 of root fs or root pool creation. Flar-archives can be used for bare-metal restore and systems cloning purposes.
Script can execute in interactive or non-interactive modes.
When calls without parameters it runs in interactive mode and asks for directory (mountpoint) for which flar can be save.
For non-interactive calls you must specify mountpoint as command-line argument.
If you specify /?, /h, /help and help as argument, you can see usage page.
Archive names will be generated as follows:
[hostname][level].flar, where [hostname] - host machine name, [level] - archive level (0 by default - full).
If archive with generated name is exists in target mountpoint, script generates new incremental archive name as follows:
[hostname][level].flar, where n=1,2,3....
Archive author gets from USER environment variable.
Supports Solaris 10 10/09 and above zflash functionality: flar-archive from ZFS root pool for Jump Start flash installation.
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Yuri Voinov