The Unified assistatnt for waifu lovers.
The goal of this project is that the girl recognize user's personality, emotion and voice. So that, in given context, the girl should response correct voice, text and face.
- Response with emotion
- Recongnize user's emotion
- Recongnize User's screen
Clone server-side repository(this repository)
git clone
cd WaifuAssistant
You should adjust port, huggingface cache path, db path.. etc in docker-compose.yaml
After that,
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
After running server side,
Clone local-side repository
git clone
cd WaifuAssistant_local
conda create -n WaifuAssistant_local python=3.10
conda activate WaifuAssistant_local
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install VTS desktop audio plugin by Lua Lucky
- open it and connect to Vtube Studio
After that, you can run the code,