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Simple Angular2 starter using Webpack2/Typescript2.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Features
    • [Tech Stack] (#tech-stack)
    • [Application] (#application)
    • [Build Optimizations] (#build-optimizations)
  • Getting Started
    • [Dependencies] (#dependencies)
    • [Global Dependencies] (#global-dependencies)
  • [Commands] (#commands)
    • [Development] (#development)
    • [Build] (#build)
    • [Serve Production Build] (#serve-production-build)
  • [Omissions] (#omissions)
  • [Acknowledgements] (#acknowledgements)
  • [Todo] (#todo)


The sample application features Angular2-Material demos

You can use this repo locally or with Docker (recommended).

  • For MacOS, please use Docker for Mac
  • For Windows, please use Docker for Windows
  • For Linux, just use Docker :)

Quick Start

If you're using Docker, life is so much easier:

# Clone repo and enter folder
git clone
cd angular2-webpack2-typescript2

# Initialize project
npm run clean

# Serve and start development!
npm run docker:serve

# Open localhost:8080 and enjoy the show


Tech Stack

The repo uses the following technologies:

  • Angular2 RC5
  • Webpack 2.1
  • Typescript 2.x
  • Angular2 Material alpha 7-4
  • Docker container for workflows
  • SASS for styling


The demo application showcases:

  • Angular2 module composition using shared modules.
  • Angular2 module routing
  • Angular2-Material components gathered in one shared module
  • Application demos the material components as of current version
  • Uses ServiceWorker or AppCache for static caching

Build Optimizations

The build process performs the following optimizations:

  • Bundles application into app, vendor and polyfills bundles
  • Minifys/Uglify bundles
  • Creates gzipped versions of bundles/asset files
  • Creates ServiceWorker and AppCache (booh!) files with bundled assets as static cache

Getting Started


  • node and npm
  • Ensure you're running the latest versions Node (v.4 or higher) and NPM (v.3 or higher)
  • If you use Docker, have latest version installed which supports docker-compose v2

Global Dependencies

If you want to run locally without Docker, you should install the following global dependencies: typescript2.x, webpack2.x, webpack-devel-server, http-server:

# Install global dependencies (not needed if you use Docker)
npm install --progress=false -g typescript@beta webpack-cli webpack-dev-server webpack@2.1.0-beta http-server



Serve development build with livereload on localhost:8080

# Docker
npm run docker:serve

# Local
npm run serve


Create production build in dist/frontend

# Docker
npm run docker:build

# Local
npm run build

Serve production build

Serve the production built application on localhost:8080

# Docker
npm run docker:serve-dist

# Local
npm run serve-dist


Vital parts of a real world application setup have been omitted due to various reasons:

  • Testing: No testing, as Angular2 testing has still not matured to a point I would dare to use it
  • Deployment/Staging: How we deploy our applications is very individual
  • Code coverage: No testing => no coverage :)
  • Linting: Typescript 2.0 doesn't yet play nice with tslint
  • AoT template compilation


This repo has been created with great inspiration from


I don't want to pollute the repo with lots of unneeded code, but I'd like to add some of the following features:

  • Code splitting and lazy loading of an ngModule
  • Ahead-of-Time template compilation


Simple Angular2 starter using Webpack2/Typescript2.







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