Operating System/Assignment-4: Created by Dr. Trevor Bakker
A user space shell application that interprets FAT32 file system image.
- Opens and closes the FAT32 image file.
- Navigates through the image file and prints out following information in both base 10 and base 16:
- BPB_BytsPerSec
- BPB_SecPerClus
- BPB_RsvdSecCnt
- BPB_NumFats
- Prints out the attributes and starting cluster number of the file or directory name.
- Retrives the file from the FAT 32 image and places it onto the current working directory.
- Implements "cd" command to change the current working directory - supports relative and absolute paths.
- Implements "ls" command to lists the directory contents.
- Reads from the given file at the position, in bytes, specified by the position parameter annd output the number of bytes specified.
- Structure and information about the boot sector.
- Structure about the individual files in FAT32 system.
- Extracting files from the FAT 32 image file.
The application is built in an omega server at UTA. In terminal:
gcc mfs.c -o mfs
- Suman Thapa Magar - Team Member
- Dr. Trevor Bakker for providing small stub program to get started and his guidance throughout the assignment.