This is a lil arduino program to turn a coffee machine into a device that takes care of plants
- A Cheap mositure sensor
- LED lighting
- I2C OLED 0.96'' screen
- 3 Relays
- Arduino board (I used nano)
Connect the relays to:
- The water pump
- The growing lights
- And the moisture sensor
It uses Switch_lib to control relays and Adafruit library for the 0.96'' OLED ( You'll need to have it downloaded on the Arduino library manager. )
Adapt the PIN definition to your needs:
int moisture_sensor = A2;
int lights_p = 11; // Lights relay
int r1_p = 10; // R1 relay
int r2_p = 9; // R2 relay
int moisture_p = 8; // Hsensor relay
- Conect the OLED screen to the I2C ports. In my Arduino nano were A4 and A5
Once all connected, during the setup the program will do some test as follow:
- Turn on the Screen
- Turn ON/OFF the lights
- Turn ON/OFF the pump
- Get first sensor read
If all of this goes well the program will start to work.