Create poison-sample bash file & re-computer vertex norm (optional) bash file.
Encode 3D point clouds to 6x6x6 grid representation.
Casually find K (=100) most similar neighbors in the same category.
Accuratly find distance between neighbors (point-to-plane distance w.r.t. bounding box size) and judge duplicates (dis<0.01%).
Find total number of duplicates based on duplicate-xxx file.
create list.txt in ShapeNetCore.v2 each folder [before step 1]
> ~\ShapeNetCore.v2\ShapeNetCore.v2$categoryNum\ dir /b | findstr ply > list.txt
create render images for ShapeNet Models [before step 1]
> ~\ShapeNetCore.v2\lun_script\render run-render.bat categoryNum
create distance folder for each category [before step 4]
> ~\ShapeNetCore.v2\ShapeNetCore.sample$categoryNum\ mkdir dis
copy list.txt & hash.txt file [before step 4]
> ~\ShapeNetCore.v2\ShapeNetCore.sample$categoryNum\ cp 'list.txt' 'list - Copy.txt' | cp 'hash.txt' 'hash - Copy.txt'
create list.txt in dis folder [before step 5]
> ~\ShapeNetCore.v2\ShapeNetCore.sample$categoryNum\dis\ dir /b | findstr duplicate- > list.txt
Check it here.