Logging to sentry via zap
go get github.com/yzzyx/zapsentry
client, err := sentry.NewClient(sentry.ClientOptions{Dsn: "https://xxxx:yyyy@"})
scope := sentry.NewScope()
hub := sentry.NewHub(client, scope)
sentryCore, err := zapsentry.NewCore(hub, zap.InfoLevel)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logger := zap.New(core)
// Log to sentry with tag 'version' set to 1, and with additional field "somefield" set to "somevalue"
logger.Error("my error", zap.Int("#version", 1), zap.String("somefield", "somevalue"))
Usually a more advanced setup is required. Maybe some default scope values should be set, or logging should be done both to file and to sentry.
Below a sample setup logging both to sentry, file and console is shown, with a couple of standard fields added, and some go-sentry integrations disabled.
pe := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
fileEncoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(pe)
logFile, err := os.Create("my-project.log")
if err != nil {
pe.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
consoleEncoder := zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(pe)
client, err := sentry.NewClient(sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: "http://xxx:yyy@sentry-host/2",
// Skip default integrations, we set our own tags instead
Integrations: func(defaultIntegrations []sentry.Integration) []sentry.Integration {
integrations := defaultIntegrations[:0]
for k := range defaultIntegrations {
if defaultIntegrations[k].Name() == "Modules" ||
defaultIntegrations[k].Name() == "Environment" ||
defaultIntegrations[k].Name() == "ContextifyFrames" {
integrations = append(integrations, defaultIntegrations[k])
return integrations
scope := sentry.NewScope()
scope.SetTag("version", VERSION_NUMBER)
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
scope.SetTag("server_name", hostname)
scope.SetTag("device.arch", runtime.GOARCH)
scope.SetTag("os.name", runtime.GOOS)
scope.SetTag("runtime.name", "go")
scope.SetTag("runtime.version", runtime.Version())
hub := sentry.NewHub(client, scope)
sentryCore, err := NewCore(hub, level)
if err != nil {
core := zapcore.NewTee(
zapcore.NewCore(fileEncoder, zapcore.AddSync(f), level),
zapcore.NewCore(consoleEncoder, IgnoreSync(os.Stdout), level),
l := zap.New(core)