Import JSON files directly as documents into Elasticsearch by using the ES transport protocol (not HTTP/REST). The import is done via bulk requests.
- Java 8
- Tested with Elasticsearch 1.6 (should also work with earlier versions)
mvn package
java -jar target/elasticsearch-fileimport-0.6-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar file_import_settings.yml
To execute all unittests, also those who runs longer execute
mvn clean package -DargLine="-Dfileimport.tests.big"
##Configuration The configuration is done in YAML (or JSON). Look at the following example to see what's configurable:
# either transport or node
mode: node
# Folder with data
# Folder is scanned recursively
root: import/data
# Fileextension of files to import, default is json
#fileext: json
# If set to true then import files line by line (one json doc per line)
# If set to false (which is the default) treat one file as one document
#linebyline: true
# Index name
index: test
# Type name
type: test
# Bulk settings, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-api/current/bulk.html
#flush_interval: 5s
max_bulk_actions: 1000
max_concurrent_bulk_requests: 1
max_volume_per_bulk_request: 10mb
# needed when mode: transport
- localhost:9300
- es.comany.com:9300
# needed when mode: node
name: elasticsearch
# list other elasticsearch settings here if needed
#discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
#discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: host:9300
##Before you run it
- Install and start your Elasticsearch cluster
- Create your index (with your desired settings)
- Create your type mapping