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🏪 Straightforward Store API


This is API for stores management with 3 entities Store, Item and User.

This application authenticates with JWT as an access token as well as a refresh token and blocklist.


  • Backend
    • Flask - Server Core
    • Postgres + Heroku - Database Server
    • Flask-JWT-Extended - Authentication
    • Flask-RESTful - APIs Builder
    • Flask-SQLAlchemy - Object Relational Mapping
    • uwsgi + psycopg2 - Production
  • Tool
    • Postman - Platform for building and using APIs
    • Heroku - Platform as a service

Note: I don't intend to create Frontend for this API. But maybe I will in the future.


Import postman_collection.json and postman_environment into Postman to see API clearly.

All APIs start with prefix "/api". Below is list of all APIs:

endpoint method endpoint method
/login post /register post
/refresh post /logout post
/stores get /store/:name delete
/store/:name post /store/:name get
/items get /item/:name get
/item/:name post /item/:name delete
/item/:name put
/user/:id delete /user/:id get

Project setup

⚙️ For local environment (SQLite)

  • Using virtualenv library to create virtual environment for this project.
  • Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.local.txt
  • Bootstrap project:

⚙️ For production (Heroku + Postgres)

  • Procfile tells Heroku what to do
  • uwsgi.ini contains information to bootstrap application
  • runtime.txt and requirements.txt include all required dependencies and environment

License & copyright

© Kirin Tran, FPT University TP.HCM Licensed under the MIT LICENSE.