Sometimes there is a need in text search using different dictionaries in same text. In this case users combine necessary dictionaries into one dictionary file. Usually it is hard task.
This patch allow to use different text search dictionaries in one text using one text search configuration.
This patch can be applyed to master PostgreSQL:
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd postgres
$ git apply ../pg_multilingual/pg_multilingual_join.patch
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
In PostgreSQL's text search configuration for each token type you can specify a list of dictionaries. PostgreSQL uses each dictionary to normalize words into lexems using loop. Original PostgreSQL stops word normalizing if some dicitonary recognizes it as a known word.
With option JOIN PostgreSQL return all recognized lexems until the end of a list of dictionaries or a configuration mapping without this option are occured. It is usefull if you don't know in what language a document is wrote.
Let's suppose you already have german_hunspell and english_hunspell dictionaries. You need to execute the following query to create multilingual configuration:
ALTER MAPPING FOR asciiword, asciihword, hword_asciipart,
word, hword, hword_part
WITH german_hunspell (JOIN), english_hunspell;
After this you can query documents with german and english words.
apod_en_de.dump is the dump of test base. To restore this dump you need german and english hunspell dictionaries from hunspell_dicts:
$ git clone
$ cd hunspell_dicts
$ make -C hunspell_en_us USE_PGXS=1 install
$ make -C hunspell_de_de USE_PGXS=1 install
After this dictionary files were copied to the PostgreSQL share directory.
You need to restore the dump:
$ psql apod < pg_multilingual/apod_en_de.dump
This command will create the following objects:
- hunspell_en_us and hunspell_de_de extensions
- english_hunspell and german_hunspell dictionaries
- apod_conf configuration
- apod table with english and german documents
Here example queries:
=> SELECT title FROM apod WHERE fts @@ to_tsquery('apod_conf', 'galaxy') LIMIT 1;
The UV SMC from UIT
(1 row)
=> SELECT title FROM apod WHERE fts @@ to_tsquery('apod_conf', 'Galaxie') LIMIT 1;
Andromeda - ein Inseluniversum
(1 row)