static allHidden($group = true, $order = true)
git clone
composer install
Or, if you like pain and suffering:
npm install
Currently, database credentials are in two places (yeah, this sucks...):
- /vendor/laravel/laravel/.env.testing
- codeception.yml
Before submitting a pull request, please change codeception.yml back to its original values:
dsn: 'mysql:host=;dbname=larafolio'
user: 'root'
password: 'password'
There is an artisan file in the Larafolio directory that points to the laravel instance in vendor. This gives you access to all of the artisan commands you would normally use.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Larafolio\LarafolioServiceProvider" --force
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve
Login logic is contained in the /login route in the underlying Laravel instance. To login and access the project, simply hit the /login route. A user will be logged in and you will be redirected to /manager. Hitting the login route also reruns the migrations and seeds it.
CSS and JS will be built and moved into the vendor laravel instance automatically.
gulp watch
###### Create test data
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Or simply hit the /login route.
#### Testing
This project contains both phpunit tests and Codeception tests.
Run all tests:
composer test
Run phpunit tests:
Run Codeception tests:
codecept run acceptance