This is the Boden feature template which is designed to improve the feature development workflow and maintain a consistent experience to the customer. It follows a modular design allowing features to be switched on and off easily.
Create a new instance of the template and use the init()
method to initialise the template:
var Slider = new BodenCarousel();
This will create the template with the default settings
In order to customise the template, define the custom settings in an object, then pass this to the constructor function when instantiating the carousel:
var custom_settings = {
global_settings: {
cm_tag: 'SS15-TEMPLATE',
imgPath: '/images/magazine/features/SS15-carousel/',
animationSpeed: 400, //in ms
Each module has it's own settings object within which you can define your custom settings. Here is a list of the settings and their defaults
global_settings: {
cm_tag: 'SS15-TEMPLATE',
img_path: '/images/magazine/features/SS15-carousel/',
quickshop_path: '/products/outfitting.aspx?qr=',
animation_speed: 400, //in ms
body: $('body'),
feature_wrapper: $('.feature-wrapper'),
slider_settings: {
initial_slide: 0,
active_class: 'active-slide',
normal_width: 1000,
fullscreen_enabled: true,
fullscreen_button: $('.fullscreen-btn'),
body: global_settings.body,
resize_delay: 100,
nav_location: {
normal: '#ghost-',
fullscreen: '#fullscreen_nav-'
ui_switch: false
pager_settings: {
enabled: true,
img_path: global_settings.img_path,
name_format: {prefix: 'slide', suffix: '-thumbnail.jpg'},
animation_speed: global_settings.animation_speed
productgrid_settings: {
enabled: true, // Boolean
slider_class: '.bxslider',
codes: global_settings.product_codes, // Array or 'auto'
quickshop_path: global_settings.quickshop_path, // String
open_class: 'open', // String
max_height: 210, // Integer
market: market
shoppingbag_settings: {
enabled: true,
market: market
jpganimate_settings: {
enabled: false,
container: '.bg-container',
slide_prefix: '.slide',
img_path: global_settings.img_path,
speed: 300, //in ms
repeat: -1,
paused: true,
yoyo: true,
repeat_delay: 0, //in ms
scene: [2, null, null, null, null, null]
layers_settings: {
enabled: false,
layer_class: 'layer',
duration: 1,
delay: 0.4
Most modules have an option called "enabled". If you wish to turn off that particular functionality set this to false.
This sets the string you provide for the Coremetrics tracking.
This is the path to the image folders for this feature.
This is the standard quickshop path. You should probably never need to change this, but this is just in case the
back-end of the site is changed for some reason.
This is the general animation speed used throughout the feature. This helps the different modules maintain
consistent animation speeds. These can be overwritten in individual module settings.
This caches the 'body' tag as a jQuery selector
This is where you set the product codes for each slide. This is purely for dynamically creating the product grid,
so if this module is disabled this setting is irrelevent. Each cell represents the slide number, so put the
product code string into the relevent cell to generate the grid for that cell. If the slide doesn't have any
products just enter null.
This is the core module where all the settings are initialised. This is the only module that is dependent on other modules, and it's purpose is to pull all the modules together and run them correctly.
Index of starting slide.
This is the class added to the container of the active slide.
This is the width of the slide in small screen mode.
This switches the fixed width/fullscreen toggle functionality
This is the selector for the button that toggles the fullscreen mode
See global settings
When you resize the window in fullscreen mode, the bx-slider reloads itself with new settings. This sets the delay
before this happens to prevent the reload from happening after the window resize has complete.
nav_location: {normal/fullscreen}
This is the prefix for the the navigation arrows for fixed width mode ('normal') and fullscreen mode
('fullscreen'). Probably leave these as they are.
This is in case you need a different UI style on particular slides. This is typically required if the UI element
colour is obscured by the slide.
This handles all the settings and methods for the pagination of the feature.
animation_speed, img_path
See globalSettings
This sets the prefix and suffix for the thumbnail images.
This handles all the settings and methods for the dynamic product grid.
Here you can either enter an array of product codes (see productCodes in Global Settings), or you can set this to retrieve the codes from your HTML if you enter 'auto'. Add 'retrieve' to each 'quicklink' class that you want to retrieve the codes from. There can only be 1 retrieve class per slide for this to work.
Sets the class that is added when the product grid is open
Set's max height for product grid in fullscreen mode
This handles the Jpeg animation functionality.
This sets the container for which the animation frames are generated
Just leave this as it is...
See global_settings
This is the framerate of the animation in ms
This is how many times the animation repeats. -1 is continous loop.
If true, the animation will be paused until it is told to play when you go to that slide.
If true, the animation will go through all the frames and then reverse back through them
This is the delay between each repeat in ms.