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MVVM-RxSwift PublicReactive MVVM demo app fetching photos from Unsplash and displaying them in a UICollectionView. Showcases usage of the Coordinator design pattern.
CoordinatorDesignPattern PublicApp showing the Coordinator design pattern implementation. Written for a Medium article
ios-swiftui-modularization PublicA sample project for the iOS modularization article. User Interface is made using SwiftUI, navigation via UIKit, and modules via XcodeGen.
swiftui-mvvm-clean PublicSample app showcasing usage of Clean MVVM architecture in SwiftUI and Combine. Written for a Medium tutorial.
VIPER-Demo-App PubliciOS app demonstrating use of VIPER Architecture, written for my Medium article. Uses https://thesimpsonsquoteapi.glitch.me API to retrieve quotes, characters, and image urls. My VIPER Xcode Templat…
BottomSheet PublicExample project showing how to implement a bottom sheet in Swift 5 using container/child view controllers, UIPanGestureRecognizer, and constraint animations.
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