- The patients have to wait a long time for their turn in clinics/hospitals.
- So, to solve this problem, we have created an online booking appointment.
- It also has a predicter which will help them to reach hospital on time.
- They can decide whenever they want to take an appointment so that they can save their time.
- The concerns of privacy and chat leak are resolved in the private chat with doctor, since is used for chatting and rooms.
- The problem of data leak will be solved in this model, because all the data is stored in Blockchain contract, and cannot be changed.
- Patients Can Book Appointment and Before booking they will Get Predicted time which is implemented using [Linear Regression]
- After Booking The Details will be Shown in (Your-activity) Tab Which includes [The Token No.] and [Predicted Time left]
- The Patient cannot book a new appointment until his/her pending appointment is not completed.
- We wanted to use timer to show the time left for the appointment, but were not able to complete it.
- Patient Can Talk Privetly With The Doctor in a Separate Room.
- Only One Patient Can Be in a Room At a time.
-The chats are deleted as soon as the patient leaves the room.
-We also tried to send request to doctor, whenever some patient wants to join room, but were not able to complete it.
- It is a predictor Where patients Can Add Two Or more Symptoms And Will Get Predicted [Disease] and [Precautions]
- It is based on [Naive Bayes] and [forest] methods.
- The patients Can Register using their etherium Account.
- While Registering The data is Stored in [ Block-Chain Contract ], which is much more safe than anyy other database
- The time predictor in appointment feature is based on [linear regression model].
- The Contact-Us form is connected woth Email-Js. The form submissions will be sent to our email-id.
- The admin account can be accesed only by the person who has the ethereum account which is mentioned in the appointment.js file.
Solidity (Block-Chain), Python (Machine Learning),
Numpy, Pandas, Sklearn, React.js, Node-JS,, Ganache, HTML, CSS
- We were not able to connect the blockchain part to the deployed website.
- The predicted model is not working on the deployed website due to request timeout.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the Node server
nodemon server.js
Go to the client directory
cd client
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
Connect to blockchain
download ganache and add metamask extension
Add a custom RPC netowrk
Network Name: Ganache
Chain Id: 1337