Zshing Zsh plugin manager similar to VundleVim
Zshing allows you to...
- keep track of and configure your plugins right in the
- Install Zsh plugins from Github or Locally
- Install zsh Plugins from Gitlab and BitBucket and other sites
- Load plugins from oh-my-zsh
- Disable zsh Plugin by add "#" at first
this plugin wont be removed but wont be load when start zsh, its useful for themes
- Update Zsh plugins
- Clean unused plugins up
- run the above actions in a single command
Zshing automatically...
- manages the Source Plugins of your installed Plugins
Zshing is undergoing an interface change, please stay up to date to get latest changes.
Installation requires :
Set up Zshing:
mkdir -p ~/.zshing git clone https://gitlab.com/zakariaGatter/zshing.git ~/.zshing/zshing
Zshing Manual:
- Main Plugin Syntax
#:Username/repo:branch:site:type:name | | | | | | | | | | | `- NAME: name option to add the same plugin or theme many time with different names | | | | | leave it empty to take repo name as repo | | | | | | | | | `- TYPE: What the type of this Plugin, default value: (plugin|theme|completion) | | | | | | | `- SITE: Where to Download this repo from, like : (gitlab|github|local) | | | Or you can set link like : (*git://**|https://*|http://*|ssh://*|git@*) | | | you can set full url of website, the URL Need to support git clone | | | Local is for local plugins | | | leave it empty to take github as default | | | | | `- BRANCH: use any branch you like, leave it empty to take Master as default | | | `- REPO: repo name can be as above or as a plugin dir, ex: ($HOME/path/to/plugin) | Don't give repo name if you use Link in SITE | `- STAT: add # to disable this plugin, the plugin keep updating and will not remove but wont load with zsh Examples: ZSHING_PLUGINS=( # disable plugin, this plugin will update but won't load with zsh "#:zakariagatter/zshing:master:github:plugin:zshing" # Gitlab Plugin ":zakariagatter/markgate:master:github:plugin:" "::master:https://github.com/zakariagatter/markedit:plugin:" # Local plugin ":/path/to/plugin::local:plugin:" )
- Oh-my-zsh Syntax :
#:::oh-my-zsh:(plugin|theme|lib):name | | | | | | | | | `- You can set plugin,theme or lib name | | | | Ex : :::oh-my-zsh:plugin:arch | | | | Note: if you want to use any theme i recomand you to active git lib (ex: ::master:oh-my-zsh:lib:git) | | | | | | | `- Set the Plugin Type | | | if set Theme,lib just give the name no Extantions | | | | | `- Leave it as it is | | | `- Just leave it Empty | `- Add # To Disable only this plugin Examples: ZSHING_PLUGINS=( # load arch plugin from oh-my-zsh ":::oh-my-zsh:plugin:arch" )
Configure Plugins:
Put this at the top of your
to use Zshing. Remove plugins you don't need, they are for illustration purposes.# Zshing Main Dir ZSHING_DIR="$HOME/.zshing" # Set Plugin configuration Before ZSHING_PLUGINS ZSHING_PLUGINS=( # disable plugin, jeep this plugin disable to avoid stupid loop "#:zakariagatter/zshing:master:gitlab:plugin:zshing" # load local plugin ":$HOME/plugin::local:plugin:" #full site ":::https://github.com/zakariagatter/markedit:plugin:" # load git lib from oh-my-zsh to use git_prompt_info ":::oh-my-zsh:lib:git" # load color-man plugin from oh-my-zsh ":::oh-my-zsh:plugin:colored-man-pages" ) # set here all plugins Settings and arguments before you source Zshing # source zshing plugin source "$ZSHING_DIR/zshing/zshing.zsh"
Note :
- Add all plugins settings and Argument before You source Zshing
ZSHING Zsh Plugin to manage Plugin similar to VundleVim
zshing_install [Install Plugin direct from Local or Online git Repos]
zshing_update [Update existing Plugins in your system]
zshing_clean [Clean and Remove unwanted Plugins]
zshing_help [Show this help Dialog]
Zshing is a work in progress, so any ideas and patches are appreciated.
- Install Plugins from Github
- Install Plugins Locally
- Load plugin from oh-my-zsh
- Update Plugins
- Clean Unwanted Plugins
- Disable Plugin and themes
- Install Plugins From Gitlab
- Install Plugins from any site support git