Library | Langage | Stars | Description | Other Links |
ziko.js | Javascript |
A versatile JavaScript library offering a rich set of UI components, advanced mathematical utilities,Reactivity,animations,client side routing and graphics capabilities | NPM | |
ziko-wrapper | Javascript |
Embed zikojs elements within various frameworks like React , Svelte , Vue ... |
NPM | |
ziko-gl | Javascript |
A ziko-gl plugin built on the top of Threejs | NPM | |
ziko-lottie | Javascript |
Lottie player element for zikojs | NPM |
Library | Langage | Stars | Description | Other Links |
dir2tree | Javascript |
A user-friendly Node.js tool for creating organized json tree from a root directory | NPM | |
fetch-doc | Javascript |
Fetch and parse HTML documents asynchronously and synchronously | NPM | |
ZikoMatrix | c++ |
Arduino library for creating and manipulating matrices of arbitrary size and data type. | Arduino | |
PowerMonitor | c++ |
Designed to measure the electrical characteristics of AC circuits such as voltage, current, power, reactive power, and power factor... | Arduino | |
mapfun | Javascript Python |
mapfun is a function that applies a mapping function to an infinite number of input elements, with options to skip certain elements and selectively apply the mapping to keys and/or values of objects. | NPM PyPI |