RH_Chatbot_backend is a Python API used to manage the backend (questions / answers) of the application called "RH BOT".
To run the project in a local environment, you need a pipenv tool installed to run the project in a virtual environment.
Use the package manager pip to install all requirements or :
# Init the virtual env
pipenv --python 3.7
# Enter the virtual env
pipenv shell
# Install project dependencies
pipenv install --dev
# Run local NLP server
cd RH_Chatbot_backend/nlp
python bot-run.py
# Run local development server
python main.py
Now go to the and links to query the server and receive responses.
With a POST method the link '' allows to send the initial message to the user as soon as the interface is provided.
Thus, the link '' allows to receive questions from the user and to generate a response based on the link of the NLP server and the database containing the answers of each intention and entities.
With the help of Postman, with the link '' and a POST method, we can provide a BODY which is indeed a Json object like the example below:
"msg": "quelles sont les conditions pour demander un congé ?",
"nlp-url": "",
"collection": "contrats"
And as output, the API similarly returns a Json object as below:
"success": "Message sent with success",
"text": "quelles sont les conditions pour demander un congé ?",
"msg-type": "text",
"bot": {
"response": "Pour acquérir la possibilité d’obtenir un congé annuel, il faut passer une période minimale de 6 mois en travaillant dans l’entreprise.",
"quickReplies": true,
"quicks": [
"obligation patronale"
And all requests information are saved in project master Database in collection named "history".
For the parameters of the project database named "rhchatbot", the "data" & "history" collections necessary for resolving chatbot responses and recording conversational history are available in the folder 'RH_Chatbot_backend/collections'.
Thus, the configuration of the database is possible within the module 'RH_Chatbot_backend/api/db.py' precisely in the class 'DB(object)', where the developer can change the name, the domain, the port, the username and password of the database.
class DB(object):
# Database model
Domain = ''
Port = 27017
Username = 'admin'
Password = 'admin'
Database = 'rhchatbot'
Collection = None
authMechanism = 'SCRAM-SHA-256'
By Zakaria Mejdoul : team developer of Bots Factory Company