This project is now deprecated. Revisited version using full Javascript stack is available at
This is a base prototype demo for setting up an infrastructure for a Backbone.js application, with a Node.js or Sinatra backend API talking to MongoDB
There's a live preview available, running on Node.js backend, at:
To combine source javascript and CSS files into single application files, as well as copy assets to the target directory for web server to serve them, from application root run:
rake build
To start Sinatra backend app, from repository root run:
rake server
Visit the webserver at:
NOTE: Sinatra backend currently has no working API code
Before the first run, there are several configuration steps that need to be done:
From application's directory in console, type the following:
cd node ln -s ../target/public public
Then open (create if missing) node/data/_db.config
in the text editor and fill in the database credentials, using the following file format:
var dbConfig = {
name : "<db-name>"
, host : "<host-address>"
, port : <port>
, user : "<username>"
, pass : "<password>"
// exports credentials
module.exports = { dbConfig : dbConfig }
You may grab a free cloud instance of MongoDB for testing at or
Before the first run, Node application dependencies have to be installed by running the following from '/node' directory:
npm install -d
The same procedure is used for future dependencies updates.
To start Node.js backend app, open the console, and from '/node' directory run:
node app.js
Visit the webserver at:
From application's directory in console, type the following:
cd public
ln -s ../Backbone/tests tests
(The above symlinking will break whenever a repo is pulled from GitHub so it needs to be repeated.)
See all specs at: